What is a Belief you have of Yourself?

As I was starting to title this writing I was first going to name it "What is a Belief you have". But then I was thinking, people are going to think I am asking if they believe in Christmas or Hanukkah or something around those lines;) Which is great, I would love to know that too!

But I shifted the title to What is a Belief you have about yourself?

I want to inquire a little deeper about your inner workings. These beliefs that we have about ourselves have been shaping us since we were young. They show up most likely every day in some aspect, in some way in how we do and be in life.

A belief that I have been working with healing all my 40 years is Not being Enough.

This belief started when I was a child. It started before I got to junior high but this is the time period I am going to share on today.

I was in junior high, when everyone is trying to figure out what the hell their bodies are doing, who they are as a person, do I go goth or tight roll my pants? I spent much time in front of the mirror popping my pimples (which I struggled with an oily pimple face). So fun.

The girls were mean, like ruthless. I have shared in the past how this every day mental beat down led me to almost killing myself. It was soul crushing. Everything and anything I did to fit in.....it never was Enough. Nothing.

Moving forward through my years till now, I have noticed the expectations that I have now formed for myself, my life and others because of this belief that I am not enough, what I do is not enough.

What is your belief? Can you name it, just one, if you have a couple, which many people do.

1) What are you afraid of if you give up this belief?

For me, I am afraid of losing my drive, maybe the expectations keep me so driven and that keeps me successful. Also I think sometimes we define ourselves by the belief. But the truth is, that negative belief is not true and we do not need to attach or define ourselves by what happened to us in our childhood or Ever. How do I know it's not true.....because it doesn't feel good in my body! The body never lies.

2) What would it take for you to let go of this belief?

For me and I share this alot in my classes, it would mean, just setting it down. Like a backpack or a heavy jacket. Setting it down, not feeling like I 'have to' take it with me every day. Also welcoming in the truth that, we were brought into the world whole. There is nothing you need to strive more for, everything you have or desire is within you. I am enough just as I am. I am doing enough. There is enough for me. There is nothing lacking because I am whole. Trusting what I feel and my inner knowing.

My last question to you:

What would that feel like for you to set that belief down? Try it for a moment.

Let me know how this is for you.

Maybe you would like to come try a Discovery Coaching Session to talk around these beliefs.

Begin the healing process of finding your wholeness.

I am here. Reach out.

All my love & support,


Empowering you to take Inspired Action.


It All Goes Down In The Mind


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