It all begins with a choice.

Our session together will be…


Our initial sessions will be dedicated to assessing where you are at currently and meeting you there with compassion and acceptance, holding a personalized vision for your desires


I’ll be guiding you toward other supportive practices such as mindfulness training, breathwork, mind, and body connection techniques and so much more. I use a combination of your desires, obstacles, my knowledge, intuition, and my authentic presence. Pulling in ingredients from my tool bag to illuminate a custom recipe for you to see that you are fully whole and capable of creating what you desire.



Life Transitions|Grief|Loss: Guiding people through the heavy and complex emotions associated with losing a loved one, a relationship, or even an identity. Helping clients find stability and resilience as they experience shifts, whether in career, relationships, family dynamics, or personal growth.

A Grounded Confidence in Her Choices: Feel assured in the decisions you are making, not out of obligation or fear, but from a place of alignment with your authentic self. Your confidence will be rooted in self-awareness and self-trust, creating a life that feels true to your inner compass.

Freedom from Self-Doubt and Fear of Judgment: With a heart that knows its worth, you no longer seek external validation or feel pressured to fit into molds that don’t serve you. You will trust in your unique path, moving forward with the courage, knowing you are enough just as you are.

Deeper, More Authentic Relationships: By honoring your true self, you will attract relationships that reflect this authenticity. Your connections will become more meaningful, supportive, and fulfilling, built on mutual respect, honesty, and a shared desire for growth and connection.

Emotional Resilience and Inner Peace: Equipped with tools to navigate life’s challenges, you will begin to approach difficulties with grace and strength, allowing yourself to feel deeply without becoming overwhelmed. Inner peace will become the steady foundation, fostering a sense of calm amidst change.

A Sense of Purpose and Direction: With clarity on your desires and strengths, you will have a clearer path toward the future you want. Your purpose will guide your choices, making your actions feel purposeful, impactful, and aligned with your core values.

A More Positive and Supportive Mindset: As you rewrite limiting beliefs and embrace supportive ones, you will experience a shift in your inner dialogue, nurturing a mindset that encourages growth, love, and possibility. Your mind will become an ally rather than a critic, fueling your aspirations.

A Reconnected Body and Soul: Embodying your authentic self brings a sense of wholeness and connection to your body, heart, and mind. You will feel more alive, more in touch with your physical and emotional well-being, and more connected to the essence of who you truly Be.

A Life Aligned with Joy and Fulfillment: Free from the weight of “should’s” and societal expectations, you will begin to design a life that brings joy and fulfillment. Your days will feel intentional, choices joyful, and future a promising reflection of all that you have come to embody.

3 Way’s To Work With Me for

Life Coaching

  • Illuminate

    ILLUMINATE includes 12 1:1 2x/month confidential coaching sessions via Zoom or In Person + homework when relevant + 8-5pm Voxer App Access and Monday Voxer Check In’s.

  • Embody

    ALIGN includes 6 1:1 2x/month confidential coaching sessions via Zoom or In Person + homework when relevant + Monday Voxer Check In’s $5000.

  • Anchor

    ILLUMINATE includes 3 hours of 1:1 Intensive custom coaching session via Zoom or In Person. Let's get to co-creating and go! $1,000.

There is no better time than now, to begin again.

You have the ability to choose better for yourself. The only thing that stops us from choosing differently is fear. And this state of being can be shifted, through courage, empowerment, presence and mindset.

I support you in creating your abundant, authentic life. Allow yourself to be surprised as miracles are happening all around you every single day!

Everything you desire is within you, I help to illuminate these qualities and your wisdom within you.

You can begin again, in a way that feels best and well for you.

Life and loss can forever change you and there is hope that you can heal.

There is something more that is waiting for you, a rediscovering and most of the time a coming home to your most authentic self.

It’s time to begin your journey, the journey home to most authentic life & you.

  • When I began my ALIGNED journey with Theresa, I was in a pattern of not following-through on commitments to myself– FOR YEARS! I was angry at myself and disappointed in how long I’d been spinning my wheels. Today, my perception of myself and my life has completely shifted. I’m not even sure when it happened. I DO know this: working with Theresa was an awesome decision! She consistently met me where I was at, her calming energy supporting me, no judgment, suggesting tips and tools that opened me. Theresa is truly gifted, highly intuitive, a great listener, so compassionate and just plain FUN! I now have REAL evidence of what is possible for me. Theresa helped me bring LOVE home to myself–PRICELESS! I AM so grateful!


  • Last fall I found myself grappling with some big life decisions regarding if situations were healthy for me to stay in, directions I could go, processing what I’ve gone through, etc. I found I was also much more depleted emotionally than I realized. I felt I need to put myself first and deal with all of this if I was going to have anything of worth to offer up. That’s when I hired Theresa Falvey-Hunt as a life coach. Our sessions went on all winter and into the spring. I had no idea some of the things that would happen to me personally or in the world at large when we started. We held our last session via Zoom after the global pandemic hit. Now, these several months later and deep into our new (temporary?) normal, with discord all around us, I find myself on a daily basis drawing from those sessions, using the tools Theresa gave me, remembering words she said, and the different ways of looking at things she offered, and still drawing strength, clarity and a calmness from them. I am realizing that her value isn’t just in that moment. Those sessions are having a lasting impact. If you are considering hiring a life coach to help you with your journey, I highly recommend Theresa. She has a depth of spirit, wisdom and knowledge, combined with genuine compassion and a love that can help everyone along their life’s journey.


  • Who am I? What is my purpose? Why don’t I feel enough? These were the questions swirling around in my head as my children started to leave the nest. My identity has always been in question as I was the little sister the wife and then the mother. Who was 1? This past April for my birthday I decided to start life coaching with Theresa at State of Grace. I am so glad I did. I am finding the answers to these questions and realizing that I have been enough all along. I encourage anyone who is struggling to be heard or seen to reach out to Theresa. She has a way about her that even when we sit in silence I still feel seen and heard.


  • Theresa and State of Grace is an absolute BLESSING! Theresa is an incredibly talented life coach and so much more! There is no one I would recommend more than her! I initially reached out to Theresa to see if she would be a good fit as an alternative to counseling for my 9 year old son who struggles with ADHD and Anxiety. I have also personally been seeing Theresa for life coaching and she has helped this tired, overwhelmed Mom who wasn’t taking care of herself get her groove back! She has helped me manage my time, schedule time to take care of myself, inspired me beyond what I ever imagined. I am a better mom and better wife because of it. She is simply amazing and everyone needs to know it! I believe in all she does and want all to know the blessing she has been to me and my family! So check out State of Grace and treat yourself to whatever it is that you need in your life, you will not regret it.


  • Theresa, is as awesome as they come! I met with her last week for a life coaching session, and it was so much more than I ever expected it to be. She allowed me to be vulnerable and excited, to change my mind a million times, and to share some tough stuff. She encouraged me to be authentic to me, and helped me add in some goals to guide me along the way. Do yourself a favor and book a session, I learned so much about myself in one hour, I can’t wait to see what more sessions will do!


  • Theresa is, in short, amazing. I saw her for a life coaching session (something I NEVER thought I would do) and it was a truly inspiring hour that I should have done sooner in my life. Just by listening to me ramble on for a bit, she found some real flaws in my way of looking at some pretty important things and gave me ideas and permission to *enjoy the ride*. I needed an impartial person to help me look at some things going on for me currently, and she was that but so much more. I HIGHLY recommend her life coaching service be added to your arsenal of wellbeing tools, and I will definitely be keeping in touch with her about the things we talked about. It’s a great service offered by a super person!


  • I recently finished my 6 Months of the Align Program working with Theresa. It was an experience that transformed my mindset, but also I felt seen and heard in where I was wanting to go with my life and career. Throughout the 6 months we worked through shifting my mndset and implenting habits for my new business that felt good to me! If something didn’t align right - together we adjusted and found a new path. Throughout Align, I learned to step outside my comfort zone in a way that allowed for growth, but never felt pressured. My energy shifted, my passion for wellness began to pour out, my love for serving became visible, and giving grace became my new normal. I went into the 6 month Align Program lost and unsure where to go next, but I completed the program with a positive mindest/attitude, learned more about what was holding me back when talking obstacles during the Life Coaching sessions and Neurosculpting® Meditations. A start of a new business was launched and I learned to be okay with relaxing and taking more time for yoga, naps and meditation when needed. I have found the path God has been leading me too. Working with Theresa was an amazing experience and she is truly gifted in making you feel heard, loved, cared for and guiding you to your full potential in multiple areas of your life. She is truly amazing and the Align Program was life changing.


  • She has given me the tools to understand myself in a whole new way. I am learning to accept myself whether I am all put together or a blubbering mess- all of it is ok. I am ok just the way I am. That sounds basic but I did not believe it at first. Slowly by doing my homework, changing how I word things for myself and stopping all the negative self-talk, I am slowly seeing how these small changes add up into a bigger, brighter more hopeful future moving forward. I have learned to feel all the feels, accept them without judgement and keep going one day at a time. This way of feeling keeps me from spiraling into sadness that lasts and last vs feeling and letting go. I know I have a long way to go with my grief and missing my husband and figuring out what comes next, but thanks to Theresa I believe in me and in that future. I will forever be filled with gratitude for her help, encouragement, love, hugs and the tools she has given me to create a life that will be filled with joy and love.


  • I thought I was dealing with the loss of a parent and the loss of a job... but I wasn't dealing at all. I didn't have the money (but found a way) and decided to invest in myself. I started with a courage call with Theresa and said yes to 6 months of coaching. Theresa helped me to lean into my true self, grieve my losses, and start focusing on moving forward positively and healthily for myself and my family. I found her when I didn't know I needed her..... I was lost and needed direction AND IT HAS BEEN THE BEST DECISION IVE MADE IN A LONG TIME. I've found the true me again and I'm forever grateful for Theresa. Invest in yourself- it will be worth every penny and so much more- so glad that I finally focused on me and I'm so much better for that!
