Anxious Teen|Young Adult

I have had a few parents reach out to me recently expressing their concern for their teens and anxiety.

I wanted to take a moment to share my recommendation to help support them on a successful journey of self regulation.

There are many reasons a teen or young adult may be feeling anxious; via a custom Neurosculpting® Meditation that I create for their specific trigger, fear or past experience, they can empower themselves by taking action to self regulate their nervous system.

What is Neurosculpting®?

This specific 5-Step Meditation Process starts by creating support, comfort and safety with the body. It can strategically help an individual release the grip of old patterns and entrain their brain to create new and more supportive patterns, habits and behaviors.

In essence it's a very intentional/specific guided meditation to help re-wire the brain. I record the meditation on either their phone or mine which I then can email them. From there, just like any change you are wanting to create in life, you need to work with it. The more you work with the meditation, the less triggered one becomes. New neuropathways are formed for a new, more desirable way of being and living are created.

What is shifted in the brain then is messaged to the nervous system out into the rest of the body.

This is an hour session where I also have time to do some Life Coaching with them on empowering them to take inspired action for themselves in other areas of their life!

Second Part of Recommendation:

Get yourselves to a yoga class.

We have an erray of classes especially in the evenings that you can all attend. All evening classes are meant to stretch you and slow your roll;)

So not only good for the teen/young adult but as well as the parent :). 

It really is a gentle and beautiful thing to share the experience of yoga together.

State of Grace is here to support the entire family.

Let me know how I can be of service.

all my Love & Support,



Empowering you to take Inspired Action


September - “Back in Flow”


40 - Some of my Wisdom