Self Care Series Part 8: Work Wellness
Welcome to this LAST of the 8 part weekly Self Care Series, where we look at 8 key aspects of Self Care.
My Challenge To You: Each week (M-F) take 1 Action Step daily to start paving your 2021 with intentional positive Self Care Habits.
Everyone has their own opinion of what work life looks for them.
Some must LOVE what they do (which is my hope for many) but honestly some people just want to go in, do great work, punch the clock and go home. And I respect whatever it is for you.
But I do believe it is important that you make sure it’s not completely sucking your soul dry, so that is Step 1: No Soul Sucking.
A couple other things to be mindful of whether self employed or employee:
Time Blocking: Super helpful for business owners to stay on task and to get things accomplished.
Healthy Boundaries: Take notice is your boss/co-workers/employees taking advantage of you? Maybe it is time to set some “healthy boundaries”, expressing your needs respectfully. This is self respect.
Take Breaks: There is no point in working yourself to the bone day in and day out, endless hours, not allowing yourself pee breaks (yes people do this) or even lunch! My friends you need to get up first of all and walk around, it get’s energy flowing again. On your way to the bathroom then take an extra lap or 5 to stretch/walk it out. And secondly, please for the life of me Nourish yourselves! We need to replenish with food and drink (save the alcohol for after 5:00:) in order to work optimally.
Positive Vibes: This kinda goes back to healthy boundaries a little but do you feel good at work, like you are valued, you are supported, you are happy? It is OK to feel this at your J-O-B. I mean most of your life is spent working, so I hope it makes you feel good.
Lastly, if you are needing a change, even at any age, it is never too late to dive into something else that you are really passionate about.
I can help with this. Let’s set up a Complimentary Life Coaching Session to explore what this could look like for you.
Theresa Marie Falvey