1 year - Come celebrate with us!

What a year?

Life continues to teach me. You too?

I have learned early on it's important to celebrate your Win's and sometimes celebrating means we have to be patient to celebrate (well at least the way we want to celebrate).

That was just the case when I relocated and expanded my business last year during the pandemic. It took a lot of courage and faith to do that move during that time. I was unsure about so much but the decision I knew deep down was the right one.

It's taking the leap of faith.

Trusting that no matter what, you will land somewhere.

I wasn't able to have a celebration of the expansion/grand re-opening.

Oh pandemic.

I have patiently waited for the outside of my building to be repainted so that I could put my signage up, which is still on its way from the manufacturer.

Patience is the lesson in all of this.

I was blessed to have Michelle owner of Simply Calm Massage, move into one of the spaces I had built out and she has been thriving!

And with one more vacant room to fill, I didn't just want to push a business in there. The room needed to let me know when it was ready. And now we are so blessed to have Diane owner of Just Knead Massage to complete the office rooms. She too has been flourishing in her business, which I am so happy for!

State of Grace Yoga has also 3 Certified Yoga Instructors now. Joan Hanna, Gineen Magiera and myself. I am grateful for the beautiful offerings they bring to our yoga community.

So are you ready to come celebrate with us finally? We have only waited a year:)

I think we are ready :)

Grand Re-Opening: Oct. 1st 5-7pm

There will be food and drink as well (as my dad would say) to nonch(sp?) (is it even a word?) on.

But there's more......

Enjoy yet another week FREE of Yoga Oct. 4th - 8th!!

Come join us in celebrating the State of Grace expansion and re-location.

We love & appreciate you so.

all my love & support,




It’s Kinda a Big Week Here @ S.O.G.


Always a good time to give Thanks