“Excited!! Like SUPER PUMPED!! I’m excited for the future!”

I asked Abby my Coaching Client, how she felt after receiving notification of her first paid client during the Launch of her business going LIVE during Black Friday/Small Business Saturday! Her response is in the above heading.

We both did a happy dance in celebration! In separate states but we were together in JOY!

I have witnessed Abby have moments of self doubt along the journey but also triumph as she moved through the fear any way. She didn’t allow the old stories and struggle to hold her back anymore.

Abby is now well on her way with serving her community creating Joy around Wellness via her Rejoice Community Membership Program.

Her energy and love for life is a breath of fresh air and radiates from her words and smile!

Our work together is not complete but Abby now has the evidence that dreams/passions can and are now part of her reality and every day.

I was right there supporting via accountability, helping her dig deep to stay true to doing it how she wanted it not what she thought she needed to do. I was right there when shit got real and the self doubt, the “who am I to want this” thoughts started to slide in. I reminded her of how capable she was and why she wanted this, to be of service to others. To help others.

It’s a journey, not a race.

And I will continue to be on this journey for as long as she wants me to be.

This is possible for You as well.


Whatever it is.

Let me know if you are Ready to welcome this Gift for yourself.

Schedule Your Discovery Session: https://StateOfGracewithTheresaFalveyHunt.as.me/?appointmentType=38720004

Make this next year about You.

Create a Self & Life that feels good, more full-filled!

You can Follow Abby on Insta: #abby_creatingjoy

I see you,

I hear you,

I love you,

Theresa Falvey-Hunt

Life Coach|Dream Maker


I want to find my Purpose


“I’m craving Accountability + Mentorship”