No Apologies Necessary
Y'all know I'm a pretty transparent human, well it's about to get just that again.
After a recent surgery we were waiting for my dad to have for months, my parents called a family meeting. My parents were waiting till my dad was home to share the news with all of us kids together, that the aggressive cancer has indeed gotten more aggressive.
We have already been doing our best to hold it together.
Then this last week happened with events that caused my dad to go back into the hospital.
Shit. More choice words to follow that one.
I can say today that his numbers are getting better and better but the reality this is all very heartbreaking.
I used to be a CNA, caring for the elderly when I was in my early 20's and I am grateful for that training to be able to help my mom and dad more today.
What I noticed last week, is that I needed to cancel some things. My family IS my priority. Classes, appts, trainings I am currently doing, canceled to be there for myself and my parents. I didn't answer email's back or texts for some time. I forgot about some things (nothing major) but I do not like to forget things.
I also reached out to all my supports, business and friends so they knew what was up and that I might be reaching out for support.
I noticed that I started to apologize here and there for not answering emails/texts back right away or forgetting something. I teach that there are certain times to apologize in life but many times us humans apologize for way more things that are needing no apology.
After being aware of this happening a couple times, I stopped.
Just like I share with all my clients, there is no need to apologize when you are going through challenging times and you feel you are not showing up how others need you to show up.
In these trying times, what I needed was to give myself compassion and grace. To give myself permission to fall apart as many times as I needed to and STILL need to. AND to do what I felt was right in each moment to honor myself.
I have said it before and I will say it again: You are a Priority.
Do what needs to be done and reach out for support in business and personal when you need to.
Allow yourself space to breathe and be with what is arising and to be with the people that matter to you.
I will continue to show up my friends but you might see Joan covering some classes here and there a little more (maybe not) or some things might get canceled. I might need to move appts here and there.
This is my current reality. But I am so proud of my Dad. He still has his humor and oh does he still have his sass;)
And my beautiful mom, could we all just send her and my dad some love, prayers and support along with the rest of our family.
I don't wish this on anyone as they are aging or period for that matter.
Can we together move forward with holding the intention of more love, compassion and grace for State of Grace but also ourselves as well for those around us.
This world could use more of that period.
loving you all,
Theresa Marie Falvey