Recreating through Intentionality & Opportunity as a Biz Owner
Now might be the Best time for Restructure as a Biz Owner!
I believe now more than ever business owners have an opportunity to restructure and be more intentional about how they work their businesses.
The magic words are *Opportunity & *Intentional!
I can only speak on my experience as a business owner and the many books I have read but I have to say life is feeling better and better each week moving forward because I have been more Intentional with my Time and created the space for Opportunity!
During the Pandemic my business went to pretty much a halt. I came to the realization that I was handed a gift, an Opportunity to shift my business moving forward even more into the way I wanted. I mean, everything else was shifting around me why not shift right along with it! This gave me the kick in the pants I had been wanting to implement but had been sitting on for over a year (yep, I said it, over a year).
Miracle Mornings:
I started with my mornings because how you start your mornings sets the tone for the rest of the day! This is where we start to be Intentional with our time.
I made sure to include these things to set me up for the best possible morning and day: 5-10 min. Meditation even before I get out of bed, Read in a book that fed me positively, Drink warm water w/lemon/apple cider vinegar/ginger (to get that good ol’ digestion lubed up), Sometimes light some Incense, Workout for 30-45 min., then Coffee/Shake, and THEN I start my Business work.
I made sure this felt good for a couple of weeks and tweaked as needed to take out or add in things, then I put in my calendar on my phone for Monday - Friday.
The Biz Schedule:
Then I started re-working my schedule, like when I was going to see clients and do business/office work. One of my biggest pieces of advice is *SCHEDULE business/office time because if you just think you are going to “make time” for that office work during your weeks and you do not schedule it, you might be in for a rude awakening. We sometimes forget why we became Biz Owners, well one of the reasons, but it’s to create FREEDOM in our lives. I found myself working morning till night when I first started my business and then a couple years later when I fell out of my schedule. I then hired a Business Coach who helped remind me of what I just reminded you of, one of the reasons why we become our own boss. Freedom.
I made a commitment that Monday’s moving forward were for ONLY Business/Office work. No appointments. I work in my jammies till who knows when in the afternoon and I feel so freakin good after I’m done at the end of the day! I know exactly what needs to be done for the week so I am uber Intentional about what I am working on. Blocking out an ENTIRE day for me to do my office work has lifted such a weight from my life you have no idea! Maybe you start with just an entire Monday morning or the afternoon but I encourage you to block a good chunk of time if you can. Maybe it’s not all done on Monday’s but spread out through the week, each day allowing 2 hours of Intentional Dedicated work. I am actually Excited about my office time now. Ha!
For me personally, I have been wanting to shift my availability with certain services for about a year but have been a little gun shy. This pandemic was the Opportunity I was waiting for to dig a little deeper into my Fear and JUST DO IT! And I have. I shortened my hours of availability of certain services to make MORE availability and Opportunity for the other services I wanted to bring more Life to.
Yes it was a little scary at first but when I reminded myself fear is not real and when I keep stepping into the direction that lights me up, THAT is what is REAL my friends!
**If your life doesn’t feel good on the inside, that will show its self in the outside. So go in the direction of what sets your soul on fire!
Life is how you Create it!
Keeping up with my monthly scheduled Life Coaching Sessions for myself has also helped remind me I am limitless with all that which I desire to Be & to Create. So Yes, even Life Coaches such as I, need a Life Coach.
Ultimately the more Intentional I am with my time and shift my perspective from a perceived challenge to an Opportunity, it all feels easier, more fun, less effort and I then move more into the life that allows me the Freedom I desired for when I went into business for myself in the first place.
3 Last Things:
1) This is all possible for you.
2) Allow the space for Grace (you’re welcome for that rhyme). Shit is going to go wrong and the schedule is going to go down the crapper some days, that is life. But keep in mind that tomorrow is a Brand New Day to start again.
3) You are the Boss, don’t forget that.
If you are needing some assistance in creating the Shift in your Mindset to get to the place of creating your life from Intentionality & Opportunity and out of the box you might be currently keeping yourself in, reach out. Maybe Life Coaching is just the thing you have been waiting for to help you remember you are meant to live a life you LOVE, not just wake up do the thing, over and over again, riding the struggle bus (even if you do own your own business).
Freedom is available to you as well!
To Schedule a Life Coaching Session, please reach out via phone, text, email or social media private message.
You got this!