Creating Mindfulness Anytime

It is easy to feel “out of control”.

And I want to remind you that this moment right here is where your “control” lies…….within You.

If you feel overwhelmed, anxious, and even exhausted I invite you to lean into the Process I have laid out below. You can also head to my New Podcast where I share the 9ish minute Induction part of 5 Step Neurosculpting® Meditation Process. It’s a mini meditation will Great Impact. Here is the link to that:

Maybe your body wants a rest, nap if you need to even if it’s a quick 20 minutes and even if it’s twice a day!

Or maybe you just need to STOP and put down EVERYTHING you are doing and take 5 deep belly breathes and say this mantra to yourself, “I am doing my best in this moment.”

What I love about Mindfulness, is that it brings us back to this "Moment" and get's us out of the future thinking where that fear of uncertainty and unknown can live.

And you are capable of shifting this for yourself!

In order to bring us into the present moment, we want to create Safety in the brain and for ourselves. This is interweaving now into the Neurosculpting® Meditation Process I facilitate. We want to create safety in the brain and then in turn this will create safety and calm in the rest of the body.

And we do this by noticing all the things that are to be True in this moment.

Here is a short exercise you can do to create Safety & Shift when you start to feel emotions/feelings of overwhelm in a negative way.

1) Close your eyes or focus your eyes on something not moving.

2) Notice your breath moving in through the nose and out through nose. Keep with that a couple of rounds.

3) Then, notice the ways you are safe from the outside elements.

4) Notice the temperature of your skin.

5) Notice that you have clothes to wear today.

6) Notice that you have food and water to nourish you today.

7) Notice the sounds you hear around you.

8) Notice you are breathing......Notice the breath again, moving in through your nose and out through your nose.

9) And finally, notice, that in this moment right now, all your basic needs are being met. And how comforting that is.

10) And slowly open your eyes and find some gently movement.

Find yourself right here, right in this moment, with yo' mindful self;)

You got this. Rinse.Lather.Repeat.

"The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it." -Thich Nhat Hanh

Sending all my love to you,

Theresa Falvey-Hunt


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