Part 2|Not Enough

I would like to elaborate a little more on yesterday's post on "not enough".

What I really love about how I Life Coach and work with people is, I meet them where they are at.

You want to invest in the type of Life Coach that I am because just like I said in yesterday's post: I create/allow a space for healing to occur so that you can live a full-filled life.

You can create a new story/belief for yourself that is more in alignment with your highest good and ultimately that is the truth.

Many times the negative stories and beliefs we keep replaying are not true. They are just that "stories"... a tale we tell ourselves because of what has happened to us in the past...our traumas.

There is nothing wrong with you let me be clear.

Investing in me will help to create a more present, joy-filled life.

This is reality is available to all of us, even you.

Are you ready to have that first conversation around what is holding you back from not feeling enough?

Schedule the Complimentary Discovery Session with me and let's do some exploring around where you are and where you desire to be.

Schedule Here:

I see you,

I hear you,

I love you,

Theresa Falvey-Hunt

Owner|Life Coach|550 Hour Yoga Instructor


Part 3|Not Enough


Not feeling enough?