Have you been burned?

While hiking last week in Big Sur, CA to Pheiffer Falls on a family trip, I had this come to me.

I could see where this space has been damaged by not one but a couple wild fires throughout the years.

I have actually been watching out for these burn areas since our trip started. Intrigued to know how fast does a forest start to regenerate after such a catastrophic event.

Did you know.....that forests actually start regenerating quite quickly after these types of events?

The trees have been burned,

You can see their scars.

Then I thought to myself......how many times have I been burned in life by people and situations?

Yes I could shift the perspective of me being burned to: those people or situations weren't meant for me.

But what if I choose to see it as a plot twist?

All the times I have been burned and the scars to show, could it be the sign of resilience, growth?

My ability to keep evolving and transforming to greater ways of being, more in line with who I really am? My ability to keep re-creating as many times as I want and need to.

Just like a Phoenix: a unique bird that lived for five or six centuries in the Arabian desert, after this time burning itself on a funeral pyre and rising from the ashes with renewed youth to live through another cycle.

Ironically that was the tattoo I got myself for this years birthday present.

Because as I continued to look at the burned, charred trees.......they are still standing tall and strong. Through it all, they are still here, resilient as ever!

Could this be true for me? For you?

Yes and yes.

Regeneration can be quick for you as well.

You get to choose.

I get to choose.

Choose to let the burns and scars define you OR raise you up, like the Phoenix that you are.




No matter what you have been through, no matter how many times you have been burned, you are still here.

So let that be affirmation Greatness is within you and me.

loving you,

Theresa Marie Falvey


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