"Awakening" the Psoas Series- Part 4

Could lengthening and releasing the psoas enable the feeling of being “grounded” or more in the present moment?

Lengthening and releasing your psoas grounds you to the Earth, which is filled with healing and revitalizing energy, thus allowing you to balance your pranic energy and enabling you to feel more present in the moment. Proper structural stability attributed to a healthy psoas allows prana to flow, unimpeded, throughout the body, allowing for proper distribution of vital energy. In the physical sense, when the body can properly support itself, movement is less-restricted and requires less effort, thus leaving you more energetic. 

Our understanding of the psoas is by no means new knowledge. In fact, it is more akin to ancient wisdom that was either lost or discarded over time. Yoga shows us explicitly that ancient gurus understood the importance of releasing contracted psoas muscles. Ancient yoga asanas, or postures, that are now practiced all around the world, focus on lengthening and releasing psoas muscles and restoring comfort and balance to the entire body. With consistent practice, you can learn how to isolate this muscle, which can be immensely useful and healing in the long run. 

Yoga is also a great way to measure the current health of the psoas. There are many postures, such as tree (Vrksasana), which cannot be properly achieved if the psoas is contracted. If you are practicing a sitting or standing yoga pose and feel strain in either your knees or lower back (or both), then there’s a good chance that your psoas is constricted and needs more of your attention. 

How To: *4thPose of “Awakening” the psoas Prasarita Padottanasana/Wide Stance Forward Fold:


This pose completes the cycle of psoas awakening, with the psoas firmly flexing the hips and bring the head below the heart into the resting position. 


Prasarita Padottanasana is a symmetrical standing pose that both sides of the body are activated and stretched equally. This type of pose shows you the areas of the body that are not equal in flexibility. Once these are identified, activate the appropriate muscles to work toward symmetry.


The hips are bent by the psoas and a few other muscles at the front of the thigh.

The quadriceps muscles along the front of the thighs straighten the knees.


When having the hands on a fixed surface yoga mat or yoga blocks (to help bring the floor higher up to meet you); activating the deltoids and biceps draws the trunk of the body deeper into the pose.

*Hold for 20-30 seconds while belly breathing.


Let me know how this pose goes for you.

I would also love for you to come check out a class sometime! Our classes are a beautiful balance of fun and peace.


Thank you for joining me on this journey of awakening your psoas!





Body Awareness


"Awakening" the Psoas Series- Part 3