Becoming a Magical Manifester

Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a person who can manifest their desires?

Have you ever felt like it is something out of your reach?

If I am able to do it, I am here to assure you that it is not out of your reach. You too are privy to this secret.

Let me pull the curtains back and let’s step into the game I play of Magical Manifester.

First, I start with some thing simple that I desire. Normally for me it’s receiving Fresh Flowers, I love me some fresh flowers! The important thing I said in that last statement was ‘receive’.

I say to myself, “I am going to receive fresh flowers.” From there each day, through out the day I think of receiving fresh flowers and what they could look like and I have to add that I was expected to receive them outside the door of my office. It is where I normally am and I just kept envisioning opening the door and looking down to see flowers awaiting there for me.. You can even look up pictures of flowers online or look at them in a magazine, just browsing and admiring them. Getting into the feeling of what it will be like to receive these flowers. This all started last week Monday. I also looked at pictures of flowers online and whenever I was at the grocery store, took a moment to be in the delight of how wonderful it is to receive fresh flowers.

Remember, I didn’t know how or from whom this was going to come and this particular intention was a game to see what is possible. Each day I would think about how wonderful it would be to receive those flowers.

Here’s the key……the secret…..I let go of the HOW it was coming to me and the time frame.

Yes, it has a lot to do with trust and faith but it follows through when it is meant for you, IF, you keep your focused attention and intention, that it will be yours.

So day after day, I kept my focus on receiving the flowers at my office, without any expectation of HOW this was going to go down.

And then…….Tuesday came, just 8 days after I started this conquest. I have 2 spaces for my business on the 3rd floor of a building. The main office is right off of the elevator and the yoga studio is all the way at the end of the hallway. Well I had been working my yoga studio on Tuesday afternoon when I realized I needed some things from the main office. As I started walking down the hallway I noticed there was something at my office. I knew my dad was going to be dropping off bottled water for me but this did not look like bottled water.

What I soon realized was that these were fresh yellow roses delivered outside my office door.

My mouth dropped and I stopped to pause as I realized, I manifested this once again! Because you see I play this game every once in awhile just to see what I am capable of creating. When we let go of the HOW or the WHEN and just keep trusting it is on its way to you in its perfect time and just how it should, then it will.

Just like the band Journey and their song, “Don’t Stop Believing”.

I felt immense gratitude and appreciation for the person that took the time to gift me these beautiful flowers. Never take it for granted.

But the true gift in all of this……if this is possible, then what else is Possible?


Cymbals Crashing


What is busy costing you ?