Brain Matters | Neurosculpting® Step 2

Step 2 of the the Neurosculpting® Process


Now that the sense of safety & security was created in Step 1 of this Process, the brain is able to now shift into the Pre-Frontal Cortex where Curiosity can be introduced and have a focus on Novelty.


But what does this mean?




Have you ever found yourself stuck on a thought and you just can’t think about anything else? A lot of the times these thoughts we get stuck on are something we are worrying about, something we are fearing might happen and it seems there is nothing that can get us off of this. 


Because the brain has found safety in the last step, New Thought is able to come into our minds which shifts us out of that “Fight or Freeze” or “Fear” but instead into a space of “but what if things could be different?” “What more is possible than what I am stuck on thinking about that isn’t getting me anywhere but more worry or fear?”


When we are able to shift into the Pre-Frontal Cortex, we are able to problem solve, tap into compassion/empathy and see a different perspective than the current thought that is holding us hostage.  


Bam! This is powerful!


Stay tuned for Step 3 in the coming weeks....


Are you interested in creating some serious shift within your brain via The Neurosculpting Meditation Process? Please reach out to me and let’s have a conversation about how this amazingly simple process can create long lasting, new neuropathways in your brain!


Brain Matters, Shift is possible.


All my love & support,

~ T ~


Love Heals All Things


Why Salute the Sun?