“But do you want to go back to School?”
A Coaching Client came to me seeking to find her purpose.
She kept sharing how everyone around her was going back to school or doing this or that. She just felt like she should be doing More.
I said, “But do you want to go back to School for something.” She quickly replied, “No.”
I then stated, “Ok then, I’m glad we got clarity around that idea:)”.
I guided the conversation back to HER wants and desires.
And you know what? They didn’t look like anyone else’s around her.
Her purpose in this time of her life was to listen to what her body needs each day. To learn to let the outside world have its ideas but the most important lesson to keep coming back to, Is her in This Moment.
And sometimes that means: helping her husband with the family business, being a mom to her beautiful children, being a dedicated friend and ALSO doing absolutely NOTHING!
I love how we have been working together on perfecting the Art of Doing Nothing most;)! It has been fun!
After working together for 6+ months, she has shared that her awareness has grown immensely of how she wants to show up each day depends on her. It’s ok to feel a lot and to also be grateful in the same.
It’s a journey.
And her purpose is realized in each moment she chooses to do what feels good and right for her.
Sometimes the belief is, that we have to Be MORE, Do More.
And now the belief for my client has shifted to, “The only thing I have to do is Be in this moment and to listen to the choices I WANT to make next.”
There is Peace in the Purposefulness of Being.
This is why I love to welcome those that are Ready to either the Embody or Resilient Coaching Experiences I offer.
You will feel more Ease & Flow within your Being and in your life.
You will be able to be more present to what is happening around you and to those around you.
You will find your purpose, as you begin to listen to what YOU want and desire.
You will feel less pressure to be any other way than you already are. You will feel lighter.
This is for women that are ready to take back their power. Living in, Being in alignment with their most authentic selves.
This is for you if you are ready to let go of the expectations of how you think you “should” be Doing & Being Your Life because it is just that…..Your Life.
Here is how it works: Email me back “All In” and we will then set a time for a Discovery Session to talk about if you would be a good fit for one of these Programs.
This is for you if you are tired of living a life of “I should be doing this, I have to do this, I need to do this….” and ready to fully embrace what you desire and want to Do and Be.
This is for you if are ready to invest in yourself to live your life on your terms.
All my love.