But what could go right?
I find that we can so easily be swayed to the “dark” side……fear….the unknown. When we are not able to predict the future, when in all reality no one can do that, we get instantly swept up in all the things that could go wrong with a situation.
Let’s talk boys.
Let’s get really honest or better yet I just will. I recently turned the ripe fabulous age of 38. Jealous aren’t you? You should be because I feel freakin great baby. Life is just getting juicier and sweeter by the day. But enough about my gloating of how in love with my life I am……boys. So here I am 38, I feel I have a pretty good personality, my life is pretty together, I’m active, I have goals, I am open and ready for the Big Great Love Affair of a Lifetime “Hallmark Style” of course to come land in my lap at anytime. So I wait patiently, so patiently, spending much time with friends being the 3rd and 5th wheel but it’s good I’m the crazy wild single one of the group with all the outrageous ideas that everyone actually wants to do to keep life exciting and adventurous. Let me shed some truth, that which I just explained and will share has been a story that has replayed itself here and there over the past couple of years. And now back to our regular scheduled programming. And THEN……someone appears, it’s a man. I ask all the questions and he’s intriguing. I think to myself, “Self this could be a good candidate, he totally has hallmark style to him.” But seriously. We go on a couple of dates and I am all confident Theresa and I act cool. I mean I am still me, I do not need a man to complete me but ooooooo he’s growing on me, this is what I have been waiting for or something like this. These types of men are hide to find in these parts.
And then it happens………………
Confident, secure Theresa starts to hear Fear whisper, “How could he possibly like me, what does he see in me” “What will I have that he won’t wonder to seek in another” “Maybe I am not good enough for him” “Sooner or later he is going to get bored, something is destined to go wrong.”
WOW…WHHHAAAAATTT just happened there? So quickly fear happens and we go to that space of What could and will go wrong.
BUT, what if we come back to the awareness that we have CHOICE in every moment and in every situation. What then is possible?
Well my friends…..soooooo much.
If we shift into the space of But What Could Go Right, we instantly feel lighter in our hearts, minds and body. We then start to get curious about all the wonderful possibilities and opportunities that are just waiting for us. And this is available to all of us, Choice that is. Shifting into curousity, possibility and opportunity.
And let me tell you, when you shift into that space EVERYTHING changes. Can we still predict what will happen, um no, sorry about that, not sorry. But we attract more of what could go right, rather than what could possibly go wrong.
This is the good stuff my friends.
I invite you to try this exercise out for yourself.
I believe in you and you deserve this life and to feel good.
Get curious about what could go right.