Crying in the Meijer parking lot
Last week I fell a part in the Meijer parking lot.
There was a situation last week that occurred while I was out grocery shopping that triggered me. The tears started falling as I left one grocery store and headed to my last destination.
I thought about going home but I really wanted my coffee creamer for the next morning so I decided to cry it out in the parking lot before going in. I’m so happy I made the decision not to put make up on that day otherwise I would have had to have gone home, cause my face would have ended up looking like something from a horror film if I had put the make up on! ha!
I pulled into the stall and just let the tears fall. I even asked myself where were they coming from and they just felt like they needed to come out. Energy releasing from my body. Then someone pulled in the stall in front of me, luckily the windows were fogging a little and it was raining as I still was crying like a baby. I put my head down a little as to not bring any attention to the rainstorm falling from my eye’s.
“Get it together, you can do this, get it together”, I kept telling myself. Finally the tears let up and I mustered the energy to go in. I knew by the look on the greeters face that my face looked like it had just had a good ringing out and it didn’t matter. I didn’t care who I ran into, I embraced my mess as I always share to do.
This is my journey and sometimes our journey’s are messy.
I got my creamer and got out of there.
Embrace the mess, the beauty, the moments. Welcome it all as it all has a blessing and a lesson.
Are you needing more support on your journey of Grief? I am here for you.
DM me and we could walk this journey together whether in my support group I lead or one on one as I am a Grief Educator.
You are not alone.
I see you,
I hear you,
I love you,