I’m not a morning person

This is me, no make-up, in my bed “working” in my jammies.

I am a morning person. I love my morning lemon tea and so look forward to the coffee that will follow that.

I love working from home whether it’s in my cozy sun-room or the comforts of my bed.

Not everyone is a morning person. My husband said to me this past weekend, “How do you just wake up like that and just have conversations and do things?” I laughed.

My husband needs till about 10:00am for me to have a conversation with him about anything;) He is not a morning person.

And, that is OK.

The point is, don’t force yourself to be something you are not or to do things that don’t feel in alignment.

This creates exhaustion, resentment and resulting in no action at all.

Begin your mornings in a way that feeds your soul.

Your mornings set the energy for the day.

Keep it simple.

Here are some tips:

Maybe you begin with a couple of minutes of meditation even before you get out of bed.

Ponder all the ways you are Grateful this morning.

Add in 30-45 minutes of movement that feels good to you.

Drink some hot lemon water or a glass of water first thing, then coffee.

Then allow your other morning musings to follow.

Make a mindful brain dump of all the things you wish to do.

Awareness is key! If something doesn’t feel good, Notice that and make a different choice so that it does.

You begin to Embody Ease & Flow as you start to notice more and more how you make choices that feel good for you, it just is how you Be now.

Each choice you make for you when made in what aligns with your most authentic self, moves you more and more in way of Thriving. This is Living a full-filled life. This is living full-filled.

And this is only the beginning.

There is so much more that unfolds as you begin to make these mindful choices for You.

If you are ready to take ownership of your results and you are super tired of living a life just surviving or had enough of doing all the “right things” and not seeing results in your life and within yourself, this Experience is for you.

Embody 6 Month Coaching Experience to reclaim your life and your empowered self, moving you into a life and way of Being that feels good, No Matter What That Looks Like.

This is for you if you are ready to feel more empowered in a heart centered way.

This is for you if you are ready to begin to take action on creating a life you love.

This is for you if you are ready to Thrive in your way.

My DM’s are open for you to let me know you are curious and/or ready to Embody living a life that feels good, inside and out.

I see you,

I hear you,

I love you,


Crying in the Meijer parking lot


It’s time to truly Thrive