You already know

We come into each others lives for a reason.

Sometimes for a lifetime, sometimes for a season, sometimes for a day!

I believe when you are drawn to work with me, there is a knowing.

I challenge you to trust that.

If you feel drawn to working with me, start with that Discovery Session or maybe it’s taking that exciting leap to let me know you are ready to commit to You. You Are A YES!!

There is so much more that is possible for your life, your happiness…..your dreams when you invest in Me. Bottom Line.

I’m not fooling around when it comes to the lives of people I choose to work with.

Don’t get me wrong, we will have fun along the journey but I want whatever you want for you, just as bad as you want it for you.

Just imagine how it could feel to be so lovingly, compassionately supported, so held in possibility for your dreams and intentions and within that sacred container awaits the present that creates your fulfilled future.

This. Is. Your. Time.

Schedule Your Discovery Session Here:


Message me that You Are Ready for this beautiful journey together of Coaching!

I see You,

I hear You,

I love You,

Theresa Falvey-Hunt

Life Coach|550 Yoga Instructor


Just keep it together just one more day.


Your Limiting Beliefs are Holding You From Your Yes