I’m a Stubborn Ass;)
Yep, I am as stubborn as they come.
My fiancé can attest.
I like my voice to be heard, let me re-phrase: I like to be heard & seen.
Is this you as well?
I get very passionate about what I believe in and especially how I can be of service in the world.
It takes work for me to get out of my own way, it does for all of us.
It’s a literal fight inside the mind/body when you are being stubborn.
It’s exhausting actually.
It’s ok to believe in something with every fiber of your being, it can actually be quite moving and beautiful.
The shift is when I move aside from the stubborn self and step into my knowing, my Being self. I am driven, I am passionate, I believe strongly in showing up to be with people to create/experience of what is possible. In this space, there is still energy flowing through me but it’s more in flow instead of rigid stubbornness. And within that flow, that Being state I have the ability to move mountains within my self and my business. And I am in the best possible state and Being for creating. I make things happen.
This is right where I am. I am making BIG shit happen.
I like to think everything I do is like a secret agent. On the down low and then I drop it like it’s hot. Well not actually quite like that ;)
Each new aspect of State of Grace that is birthed, unfolds and rolls out in her own beautiful unique way.
It’s a continuation of me simply showing up in my truth, my Being, who I declare to Be in the world. This is how it all starts. The ripple of shift, possibility, of you seeing your truth of who you desire to Be. I am that I am and it is for you as well.
I do all of this because it is my truth, it is in my Being.
So I really became aware over the weekend of my stubborn self especially with my fiancé and it also tied in with how I desire to show up in my life in all aspects.
I started to notice my rigidity in my body, my jaw clenching, my words being a little more crass. This is not who I desire to be and my stubborn self knew this wasn’t in alignment with who I am in my core.
It’s ok to find the awareness a million times of what doesn’t feel in total alignment with your truth and who you desire to Be.
In this moment, I create again who I declare to BE.
I am a shift maker.
I am passion.
I am love.
I am lovable.
I am in co-creation with the Universe.
I am magic.
I am magnificent.
I am creating a beautiful reality inside and out.
This is where I Be in this moment. Moving away from rigidity, stubborn not in alignment of who I truly Be and choosing to move into what I know I AM.
Do you know how I know? Because when I read those statements, it feels so damn good inside. And the same drive and energy and passion for my life is still there and now it’s coming from an aligned state.
Are you seeing the shift?
And as I am Being this for me, this is for you as well.
These words are for you as well.
Read them as if they are your declarations to yourself, your life.
Notice what you might add or change up so that it fits more in alignment but just notice, what that feels like when you receive this gift of Being for yourself.
all my Love & Support,
Empowering you to take inspired action.