How are You? Really?

For most of us daily life is full and busy. And all of this busy-ness can turn into a bit of an autopilot way of living, where we just keep going through the motions, one day after another. 

And the faster we go, the more we do, the less we tend to pause and reconnect with what really matters deep down in our hearts. And then it’s just all too easy to lose our way. 

So there is an enormous amount of value in making space in our lives every now and then, to pause and check in with ourselves. 

Here are some prompts to help you ​check in with yourself:

You might like to meditate on them or write the answers in a journal or a voice note on your phone. 


  • Am I making time for the things that really matter? 

  • What, if anything, is keeping me up at night? 

  • Am I living in a way that feels truly connected to my values?

  • What conversations have I been putting off that really are important?

  • What decisions need to be made that have not been made?

  • Am I being the person that I want to be? 

  • What is something that is on my mind consistently that should be addressed?

  • Where do I need help or support that hasn’t been communicated yet? 

  • What could be improved regarding my relationships? What action could I take to make this happen?

*To get the best out of this practice, see if you can take some quiet space out of the day (optimum would be 30 minutes or more) to allow the most authentic answers to emerge from deep in your heart and gut rather than just the initial surface answers that may come straight to mind.

While we might think that we are too busy to take time to pause and reflect like this, when we do, we let go of all the distractions, reconnect to our heart and our wisdom, and make sure that we are not falling further and further off course from the life that is true to us.

Then we can use this information to guide us on the path ahead. We can let go of some of the stuff that isn’t essential or isn’t in alignment with who we are and we can start spending our time prioritizing g the things that matter most.

By doing regular check ins like this we can grow in self awareness and wisdom and keep adjusting our inner compass to true north and to a life full of meaning, purpose, connection and fulfillment.

I see You.

I hear You.

I love You.

Theresa Falvey

Life Coach|550 Hour Yoga Instructor


Practicing Gratitude: 8 Benefits


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