Sometimes our No’s are more Powerful than our Yes’s

Mental Health is something that is near and dear to me and especially with what has transpired for many this past year. It’s still interesting to note, that some people’s lives didn’t change much with the pandemic but for many it did.


Even for myself, I made sure last year to do more things to nurture my mind, body and soul. I took more baths, got outside and during the winter months, I still took more relaxing baths, colored and spent time in my sacred spaces such as my business.


As I found myself in the spring months of this year 2021, I noticed a definite shift in myself. I noticed that I needed to be even more intentional with who and how I spent my time. I noticed that I do not desire to go go go as much as I had. I noticed I get over-sensitized a lot of the time with big crowds (it’s not all the time but most of the time). I noticed that I was creating my circle a little smaller. I noticed I am enjoying my couch and Neil Diamond (my cat) time more. I found myself just a week ago looking back at this summer and noticing that I hadn’t gotten on my paddle board at all and only got out in my kayak twice. I could feel myself start to slowly get down on myself but I quickly reeled it back in as I said to myself, “I am not the same person I was a year ago.” This is what my mentality and body needs now.


My No’s or No Thank You’s have become more powerful than my Yes’s.


I have said No to many things and maybe have pissed some people off to honor the Yes in order to do what is best right now for me.


It’s OK to shift, evolve, to choose something and be something different. Not everyone is going to like it but what is important is your mental well-being. 


How are you going to start choosing your No’s or No Thank You’s so that you can honor the Yes you desire to make for yourself?


I love working with people on creating this for themselves. 

Come coach with me.

It’s possible, freeing and empowering to know that you too can choose this for yourself.

all my love & support,




Embody….the complete package

