I met a woman recently who shared that when people ask her how she is doing she says “Unbelievable”. Then she added, “Because that could mean one of two ways.”
I thought that was very interesting and clever!
Which then brought me to thinking about Perspective. You know like that anology is the glass half full or half empty.
As I ponder my own life and the massive waves that have been arising I am reminded once again to ask my own self, “How can I shift what I am perseving to be happening, into something that feels better.”
Do you ever notice how when you focus on all the challenges in life as negative, we start to think “Why is this happening to me” or feeling like we have to hold it all, it all feels very heavy and we have a hard time seeing what is still going good and right in our world.
And also, could your challenges be opportunities to grow?
Being in a space of Appreciation. Shift the lens from that which you look out from.
So try this on next time you are feeling over-whelmed from all the things or maybe find yourself in a rut:
1) Acknowledge how you are feeling. Take a couple of belly breathes and allow that feeling to wash through you.
2) Find something you know to be true in this moment. Your feet are touching the earth. Your needs are met. You are safe.
3) Start by thinking of 1-3 things that are going well, that you can be in appreciation for, maybe you even write them down. And maybe you keep writing more and more.
4) Notice the shift in how you feel, in your perspective.
5) Acknowledge that this is a challenging time but there is so much to be in Appreciation for.
It may not work all the time, I understand that.
But what if Life could feel better more often than not.
Empower yourself to take inspired action to do something different so that you can live more fully, more joy-filled. You have the power within you to create shift.
I see you.
I hear you.
All my love & support,
Theresa Marie Falvey
Empowering you to take inspired action.