I did a big scary+exciting thing
If you have been following along with me for a little while you know that I love the word AND and I really love leaning into using the “AND BOTH” Theory which I should really Trade Mark. Where are my Trade Mark guru’s to help make this dream a reality! Ha!
A couple of months ago I was asked by a very dear friend to share my gifts of Sound Healing at the Annual Women’s Summit that was for the upcoming year. I was BEYOND EXCITED! I felt so grateful she and the staple leaders asked for me to join them. As I thought about it a little bit more, I felt something inside me feel pulled to ask if I could share the gift of the RESET Breathwork along with integrating the Sound Healing. This felt like a stretch and taking a leap of faith. I have heard this voice before “Just ask”. This “just ask” led me to Colorado when I was 20! Leading a large group is something I am very familiar with and this was something that had me a little more in my feels because Breathwork isn’t real main stream and that is kinda how I role. It’s how I work in all facets of my business I’m not conventional. Me as a human and as a leader, I am the black sheep, I lead differently and I Be this because that is how we begin to see something different, that is how shift happens.
So leading a large group of Breathwork participants had me shitting myself a little. These sessions are pumping the nervous system to a peak emotional state which can create a roller coaster of emotions.
My friend and the other amazing facilitators said YES to my idea.
Keep in mind what first prompted this….I felt a nudge….this was my Divine Nudge from Universe, from God. From that exact moment when I felt it in my body to ask to this moment right now even after the event has completed, this is what I heard “I Got You Theresa, I am with you.” Along with that message I have the feeling of shitting myself and I’m so excited to shared this amazingly, transformational work with these humans. THOSE 2 FEELINGS actually are my indicator that this is a for sure COMPLETE YES for me to bring into fruition and there I lean into again the AND BOTH.
AND THE KICKER….that morning I scrapped the playlist that I had created and created a whole new one because spirit said so and it was perfect!
So this past Saturday I led 71 beautiful women through the transformative RESET Breathwork and followed with me playing my quartz singing bowls.
And because I leaned in and trusted my divine nudge, what I witnessed was love, healing, magic, possibility, awareness, feelings of peace, calm, freedom…..I not only witnessed, I heard their courageous shares after we were complete.
Afterwords, I had a couple women come up to me and say “Thank you for holding the space for all of us”. I appreciate their words AND how I responded or always respond is this, “Thank you and I wasn’t the one holding the space, I showed up and ALLOWED for safety, healing, possibility to happen”. That’s my job, to show up and Be present and God, Universe, Source does the rest.
So today I thank God for this opportunity to allow for these humans to have and experience healing in so many beautiful and magical ways.
This too is possible for you!
All my love,