The “And Both” Theory

Black and White.

Fear and Love.

Dark and Light.

Sweet or Salty.

Welcome to the And Both Theory.

I have a brain that always see’s 2 sides, an A and B to EVERYTHING. I realize that this is not common and it can sometimes drive me crazy. HA!

And it has also taught me the And Both Theory.

You will notice if you are in my world long enough whether by reading my words or having conversation one on one with me.

What I have come to learn in all my years of Coaching and Personal Development that the word “But” keeps you playing it safe. It keeps you from the very thing you want. It can become not only a story you tell yourself, it becomes something you are chained to, that defines you. It can become an unhealthy anchor. This is just the way it is belief. It can keep you in a dark place with no way out.

“But” has you only seeing one way of something, which can create pressure, stuckness, unhappiness, can’t see a light out or way forward….etc.

When I am working with my Coaching Clients, I am listening very intently on the language they are using. Why? The words that we speak out of our mouth and the thoughts we think are creating our reality. They have the potential to create joy, possibility, opportunity or stuckness, victim mentality, shame and so on.

So I pause them often to see if they would like to choose a different word other than “But”, I then invite the word AND into the conversation.

When you only see one way and one way only, you keep yourself stuck.

If you invite in the being of AND BOTH you can allow yourself grace, freedom and the ability to be with what is true and present, feeling sad, frustrated, hurt AND breathing in the knowing and awareness that AND you have breath in your lungs in this moment.

……..AND also the sun is shining today.

……..AND God has a bigger, greater plan unfolding that you just can’t see right now, you are right where you need to be.

…….AND in this moment you are safe.

…….AND in this moment what I can control is me.

……..AND I can be grateful for my mind and healthy body.

Are you getting it?

When you are moving through something challenging, be with it AND give yourself grace, compassion.

So often you feel like you can only be one thing at a time AND that is bullshit.

AND when we allow space for AND BOTH, you are able to move forward faster because the AND BOTH opens you up to something else is possible for you.

AND BOTH is the light, the tenderness, the peace you desire so deeply along with what you are moving through.

I invite you to take the AND BOTH CHALLENGE.

Every time you want to say the word “BUT” switch it out for AND and see what’s possible for all things in your life, not just when you are moving through a challenging time.

This way of Being also allows you the gift of loving all parts of you more.

I love you, let me know how things goes.



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