I've Got Your Back
This is just one yoga post out of many that assist in correcting your posture.
I feel many of us have been sitting at computers more often that not especially over the past couple of months. And I will tell you I do not have a state of the art, ergonomically correct chair. I DO have two pillows under my bum helping lift my spine a little taller as I work on my computer but that only does so much and then I need to go stretch it out.
No matter what you do, it’s in my opinion, sitting at a desk working on a computer all day, doesn’t serve any ones bodies for the highest good BUT there are tools that can help support us such as Locust Pose.
Locust Pose aka Shalabasana
*Strengthens/tones muscles of the spine, buttocks, back of the legs and arms
*Stretches the shoulders, chest, belly and thighs
*Improves Posture
*Stimulates abdominal organs, improving digestion
*Helps relieve stress
Before entering this pose you can do these poses: Cat/Cow, Paschimottanasana/Seated Forward Fold, Baddha Konasana/Bound Angle, Bhujangasana/Cobra Pose.
How To:
1) Begin on your belly arms along side body, palms down, forehead on floor.
2) Anchor the pubic bone down into the floor, keeping legs active and together.
3) Inhale: Lift head and shoulders, extending the spine and neck.
4) Next, lift arms and legs off mat (only if it feel good), shoulders wrap backwards.
5) Breathe slowly/deeply into belly and out.
Pregnancy, Spinal/back/neck injury, abdominal surgery, headache, high blood pressure.
Give it a try and let me know how it goes for you!
If you want to fly, you have to let go of things that way you down.
Loving & Supporting you along the way.