Going Inwards

This time of year can feel a little auspicious.

Leaves turning color, temps getting cooler, change is in the air.

We maybe feel a sense of wanting to turn inwards, whether it be indoors more or internally, delving deeper into our inner dwellings.

If you could take a moment to pause, to notice this for yourself.......what could you notice?

Does your body feel tight or tense?

Do you feel some emotions bubbling up, some sadness or something else?

Whatever you are sensing, I invite you to stay with it, to welcome it.

Could you share a cup of coffee or cocoa with it?

Could you let the tears well up and fall?

Could you write or journal with it?

Could you take a walk with it?

Just simply be with yourself.

It can be uncomfortable and that's normal. Perfectly normal.

And if you would like to inquire more about it and need someone to allow space for you and it, I'm here.

Listen to what you need.

Maybe schedule that Discovery Session.

I'm right here.

all my Love & Support,


Empowering you to take Inspired Action.


The Need to be Validated


I am not a healer