Self Care Series Part 3: Social Wellness

Welcome to this 8 part weekly Self Care Series, where we look at 8 key aspects of Self Care. 


My Challenge To You: Each week (M-F) take 1 Action Step daily to start paving your 2021 with intentional positive Self Care Habits.


Are you one of those that doesn’t like to ask for help? Yeah, that’s totally me! Ha! Ok, I am a recovering not ask for helper, still a work in progress for sure. 


The truth is we do not need to go it alone. We create more stress alot of times when masculine up and feel we have to do it all our selves when there are family, friends and significant others willing to help. Also, side note: they are not mind readers, we need to ask for what we want and need help with specifically:) Take the load off of yourself love.


Surround yourself with good frickin people. The times have come and gone of “who has the most friends wins”, well at least in middle school that was a thing for me. If there is anything that I have learned from my momma was It is not about the quantity of friends but quality. Find your tribe and even if it is a tribe of one, let it be a very genuine, heart centered, HEALTHY, authentic One.


**It has taken me the better half of my 30s to really find my tribe, so know that they are out there. Just like waiting for that right soul mate, so is waiting for the right friends, support system, your ride or dies.

 Lastly my two scents, Facebook probably is not the best to ask for help when you have a serious crisis. Please, please seek out a different confidant.


If you are finding it difficult to make the time for you and your desires I invite you to reach out to schedule a Complimentary Coaching Session to discuss would could be holding you back from living the life you love. Where you find yourself Thriving instead of Surviving.



Self Care Series Part 4: Spiritual Wellness


Self Care Series Part 2: Emotional Wellness