Self Care Series Part 4: Spiritual Wellness
Self Care Series Part 4: Spiritual Wellness
Welcome to this 8 part weekly Self Care Series, where we look at 8 key aspects of Self Care.
My Challenge To You: Each week (M-F) take 1 Action Step daily to start paving your 2021 with intentional positive Self Care Habits.
Stay calm, spirituality means different things to everyone, so you find whatever floats your boat;)
What I want to touch on is connecting inwards, with yourself.
When was the last time you wrote in a journal? Here is an experiment for you: Ask yourself, what do I desire|want for myself personally and professionally for this year? It is ok if things do not start flowing, just allow yourself some time to really get curious about what YOU WANT. Some of us never take the time to do this! You might surprise yourself on what transpires from this. Have fun!
Yoga and Meditation are always awesome activities to delve deeper with oneself.
Nature!! I LOVE NATURE, it is not apparent at all is it?! HA! Ok, no matter if it is summer or winter, get out and connect with Gaia aka Mother Earth|Mother Nature. Not only will your head get clear, the fresh air is good for the lungs, but you will feel more settled and grounded and maybe a little peaceful.
So if you are in a winter climate like me, get those Hand nā Foot Warmers out and get outside! Pro Tip: Put them in your back pockets to keep your bum warm too! You are welcome;)
If you are finding it difficult to make the time for you and your desires I invite you to reach out to schedule a Complimentary Coaching Session to discuss would could be holding you back from living the life you love. Where you find yourself.