Self Care Series Part 5: Personal Wellness
Welcome to this 8 part weekly Self Care Series, where we look at 8 key aspects of Self Care.
My Challenge To You: Each week (M-F) take 1 Action Step daily to start paving your 2021 with intentional positive Self Care Habits.
Have you heard the saying “Put your own oxygen mask on first”? It is a thing.
It is great to want to help and to be of service to our family and friends but it’s imperative you take the time to fill your love/personal energy tank.
We can find ourselves energetically depleted and also lose a sense of who we are and what our wants and desires are when we keep putting others before us on a constant. You may find yourself turning into Cruella de Vil even, yep guilty as charged over here:)
I’m tellin’ ya right now, you are not going to win any awards for running yourself ragged. You will find (if you haven’t already) that if you do not make the time to nurture your soul, life might not feel so great, YOU probably won’t feel so great.
Just like Physical Wellness you have to schedule Personal Wellness.
Step 1- Schedule YOU time, 20-30min/1-3x-week or more
Step 2- What does this look like? This looks different for everyone, depending on what makes your heart & soul happy. Here are some examples: Get a massage/facial, take a yoga class, journal, read, get a life coach, do your favorite hobby, Anything that makes you feel like coming home-back to YOU!
On a serious note, if you don’t make the time for you, Life will make the time FOR you. For instance, I have gotten sick and laid up, just about the time I have needed some down time but haven’t been taking it. Not quite the “personal time” I was looking for.
Be well & Take of Your beautiful Self.
If you find yourself needing help navigating any of this and look to dive deeper, I invite you to reach out to experience a Complimentary Coaching Session with me.
All my love & support,