Self Care Series Part 6: Space Wellness

Welcome to this 8 part weekly Self Care Series, where we look at 8 key aspects of Self Care. 


My Challenge To You: Each week (M-F) take 1 Action Step daily to start paving your 2021 with intentional positive Self Care Habits.


Beam me up Scottie! J/k that’s not where I am going with this but let’s move more along the lines of our environment’s we live/work in. 


Let’s maybe just focus this week on our personal space. When you look around how does your home environment make you feel?


I always have a donation pile that is growing. I am constantly assessing and taking a deep look at what “things”offer my life. Is it more clutter/stress or organization/peace? Only you know the value it brings to you and your life. But sometimes if we are cluttered on the inside, it can show by the amount of material“things” we hold onto. 


And for me too, it’s simply about having the dishes washed before I go to bed, so that when I get up the next day, my day starts fresh all around.


The same goes for your work environment. Do you work in a healthy environment, do you feel safe/secure?


It’s OK to choose again, something that feels better and better suites you.


Start small. It can be empowering again to know that you have the ability to create space in your life that feels good to you!

Please feel free to reach out if you are wanting support around this, we can set up a Complementary Coaching Session.



Self Care Series Part 7: Financial Wellness


Self Care Series Part 5: Personal Wellness