The Love Letter
So I have this thing I do with my coaching clients called the Love Letter. Everyone that works with me does it. It’s a Love Letter to you.
Imagine just for a moment someone asking you to write a love letter to yourself.
I’m curious as to what’s coming up for you right now.
Maybe feeling the sweats.
Maybe some anxiousness.
Maybe some overwhelm.
Maybe drawing a blank.
Maybe your excited.
Whatever you are feeling, it’s probably one of these that I just mentioned because most of my clients eyes get real big and I hear a silent “oh shit” coming from inside of them.
I silently giggle to myself. I promise it’s a loving giggle.
Because I know how profound the love letter is.
You see many of my coaching clients are not living the life they truly desire because they don’t truly love and accept their most authentic self.
The relationship with yourself should be one of the most grounded and prized possessions you keep nourishing.
So much comes from the relationship you have with yourself.
When you know who you are, when you claim your authority you can literally feel in your body your grounded centered self.
When you love and accept all that you are, you know what people, situations you want in your life and the ones that are soul suckers and need to stay away.
When you re-discover your most authentic self, you know that when worry, stress, overwhelm are signals to stop trying to control it all. Remember what you can control in this minute and the rest is in Divine Timing.
When you re-claim who you are and you feel guilt, you know that guilt is just the indicator that you are putting your needs first, which is imperative to sustaining your well-being.
All of this leads you to the person who is capable and able bodied enough who GET’S to create their world. Even if it’s simply by shifting your way of Being in the moment if you are being hard on yourself. You get to choose something different.
You get to choose whether you want to go for the career that is not everyone’s opinion for you. You remember your voice and opinion is the only one that matters, you keep going for whatever lights you up! Brings you joy! Makes your soul sing baby!
When I present the love letter exercise it usually around half way through working with my clients.
I have them take sometime with this. I let them know it’s probably going to feel uncomfortable, some emotion might come up, you might start it and then stop for a couple of days.
I have them really lean into all their past and everything that has brought them here today. They begin to celebrate everything, what you humans call the “good” and “bad”... all of it. What have they learned? What does the evidence look like that they have been through hard shit and they can do it again because here they still are showing up?
And then how do they desire to support and love themselves moving forward.
I have them think of their best friend or someone they love very much and imagine how they show their love, it most likely resembles how they would intern like to be loved.
This is a letter of grace, thanks, celebration, gratitude, resilience, forgiveness and love.
This is a declaration of their continued commitment to themselves.
Once it is ready they bring it to their session and I have them get comfortable because I then read it back to them to receive all that goodness.
It can get quite emotional.
What I love most is how in awe EVERY time I am of what is in these letters to themselves. It is so POWERFUL.
Just recently one of my clients brought her’s in. She was ready.
She has had a hell of year of loss and re-discovering herself again. She’s amazing. And she’s still on the healing journey.
Her letter to herself blew me away. I couldn’t help but have tears running down my face as I read her words to her. We both were crying.
It truly is a gift that I get to be “in” on this declaration and to witness over and over again what is possible for my clients. It never, ever get’s old.
I want to share an excerpt of my client’s letter with you as it touched me so and it might do the same for you.
It may just give you more evidence of what is possible for you.
Here we go: “Now my friend you need to be the person you lost for yourself. You need to love yourself through the good, the bad and the ugly, and all of those versions of you...are ok. You never really thought about what you wanted or how to love yourself. You have so very much to be proud of and empowered by and you will build strength by focusing on these accomplishments and you will begin to mold and create a world that is you. Just this year alone you have never stopped trying....isn’t that a sign of strength? You got up out of that bed when every fiber of your being wanted to just lay there and ignore the world, you chose to get up.
You are teaching yourself to stop judging yourself and to love all the parts all the days - when all your shit IS working out and when it’s FALLING apart. You have ugly cried but you do not give up. You have learned to accept your emotions and feelings- you are getting better at naming what you are feeling, then feeling it and not letting it control you. You are doing the work and you are exactly where you were meant to be.
Now that you are gaining an understanding of the force that is in you, you want to continue to build that force and self-love to create a life that is something you love.
This journey takes time.
That is one big lesson you have learned, there is no check list to get you through at warp speed and make the hurt go away. Leaning into the grief, even when you don’t want to and feeling the feels, making yourself talk to be filled with love, that will get you there my friend.
Keep living in the present as best you can, loving who you are with and who you are because the universe has taught you, all can change in the matter of a moment.”
That is where I will stop.
Powerful isn’t it?
Words are powerful.
That’s why it’s so important to keep building that muscle of awareness of what are you thinking and how are you speaking.
I pray you realize you are not alone.
I pray you see that there is light and hope for you.
If this resonated with you today and you are ready to have this for yourself, I invite you to schedule a Courage Call with me. I’ll be waiting and ready to co-create with you on your healing journey.
All my love,