Fear And The Evidence

fun fact about me, if I paint my toes which I love to do, I go between extremes, either Hot Pink or Black. Those are my Go To’s 99% of the time. Currently I have yellow because I wanted to go out of my comfort zone. I’m not loving the color but it feels good to encourage myself to go out of my comfort zone/out of the norm.

Let’s chat on this today.


Question for you. Do you believe it’s possible to make friends with fear or allow it to walk along side of you?


Let’s explore this.

I get this question a lot and usually in conversation with someone they say “I need to let go of Fear”.

I present then the follow up question, “Do you really need to let go of it or could you welcome it in and be friends with it?”

Then I usually get the......Theresa you are talking crazy talk.

Society is trying to brain wash you into thinking that you have to let go of fear and then you can go do the thing you desire to do.

This is false marketing.

You can have fear AND you can go do the thing you desire to do. THAT is the TRUTH my friends.

Let’s bring some evidence into this shall we.

I want you to take a moment and find your next inhale, breathe all the way down into you belly, allow the belly to expand and then release the breath out through your nose or mouth. Take a couple more breathes to center yourself.

This is what I call the Centering Breath. When you find intentional awareness to bringing your breath down to the belly and up and out.


Now that you are centered, let’s welcome in the evidence.

I want you to take note of how old you are, how many years you have been doing this journey called life.

If I can take a wild guess, I am sure you have had your share of the waves of life....the ups and down.

I want you to think of a time when you had to muster up some confidence to make a choice that was what you thought challenging.

Here are some examples:


Changing Careers/Jobs

Leaving a relationship

Setting a personal boundary with a relationship

Beginning a new workout program/eating regimen

Asking for help in any way/Seeking advice

Going to college

Taking your drivers ed test

Moving out of your parents house

Wearing an outfit or piece of clothing that makes you feel good but is out of your comfort zone

Quitting any sort of drug or bad habit

Choosing a salad or vegetable over a potato for your side for dinner

Taking your first plane ride

Deciding to drink more water instead of soda

Taking a test


I am going to take a wild guess and say that you can resonate with at least 1 of these or you get the idea I am throwing down.

Fear is always around.

THE EVIDENCE: You had done scary things BEFORE and you are still alive and doing OK!

Take that in for a moment.

So if you have done something scared or afraid before, could you then do it again?


The evidence is probably more telling for you because as you are moving through this with me you, you are probably recalling many times you have ALREADY done things with fear.

Am I right or am I right?

So then truth is, you can do things scared or afraid and be excited about what’s coming next.

You can be scared or afraid and be curious.

You can be scared or afraid and be grieving or sad.

You can be scared or afraid and be happy.

You can be shitting your pants and be freaking excited which is my favorite.

This is a phrase I use a lot in my coaching world.

That is the sweet spot.

When you are shitting your pants and excited, that is your body and the universe..GOD saying Yes baby go for that!!!

Are you seeing how it makes more sense to make friends with with fear then to feel the need to “let it go”?

You can be with both. All the feelings and still do the damn thing because you have been doing it ALL ALONG.

I love evidence. I am constantly mirroring this to my clients as so they then can see, they can continue to do uncomfortable, challenging things to move them towards the reality and way of Being they truly desire.

It’s all possible.

And with fear as your friend.

It no longer has to be this “thing” that holds you back or keeps you stuck.

You can keep leaning into the knowing, the EVIDENCE.

 I am truly blown away by what magical creatures we are.



Almost a Year . . .


The Love Letter