What IS available in this moment

We had a beautiful event this weekend called Practice for Peace. It was time for others to gather, to join in community of one another as the Ukraine is moving thru their challenging time.

But I also shared throughout our time together that this practice is for YOU.

Everything is energy.

So if we come to practice peace within ourselves; choose every day to go Be the Change We Wish to See In the World, this is where change happens.

The ripple effect starts to occur.

We become more peaceful, than those around us do and then so on and so on.

Peace is available in each moment. It can sometimes feel fleeting but it is there if you choose to make the time to pause, to stop, to belly breath.

Your breath is a powerful tool that is always with you.

Practice 5-10 rounds of breathing into your belly, relaxing your jaw at the same time. Find this practice every day, right when you wake up, then maybe again later in the day.

The more you take the time to center, to come back to your home base, you are re-wiring the brain, creating a new way of being for yourself. A new neuropathway away from stress forms and more towards peace.

This is where YOU become the change.

This is also why it's important to make you a priority, your self care, your wants and desires at the top of the list. We can't help and be of service from an empty tank.

If you would like assistance on coming back to home to yourself, your home base maybe now is the right time for Coaching with me.

A Discovery Session is always available to book to start the conversation.

Reach out, I am here for you.

loving you,

Theresa Marie Falvey


Embody Your Higher Self And Level-Up Your Life


Just for Today