What keeps me going lately?

It’s Tuesday and we are mid April and just yesterday I was thinking, well if all goes to plan (which I have thrown “all plans” out the window for pretty much the rest of my life hahaha), but in just 2 weeks we could be “allowed” to resume work per “new normal”. I will save chatting about the “new normal” for another blog post.

But upon pondering this I couldn’t believe how far we were in and maybe there is some light at the end of this coming soon?? This morning as I am typing this, I did a self check: ok I still have all my body parts/everything is still attached, I have been able to keep myself alive along with my cat Neil Diamond, I have had more roller coaster emotions in the shortest amount of time that I thought were possible and still happening (just had another break down Sunday), I have gained a little weight and I learned how to apply my Yoga and Life Coaching business to virtual!

And I am OK. Let me remind you, in this moment I am OK, cause if we go back for a second to where I mentioned above about the “roller coaster of emotions”, yeah, they still hit when I least expect it.

So yeah, I am going to take a moment and pat myself on the back…..we are doing ok Theresa.

When was the last time you did this for yourself? Oh yeah, you managed to keep yourself, the kids/family alive? The house is still standing? You are winning my friend!

I would like share some of my ‘Go To’s for getting me through because we all have our own. Maybe you would like to try some of these on and see if they fit for you moving forward and maybe you want to read them and leave them and I’m cool with whatever. Whatever is your jam so be it. But here are some of mine.

*So first of all, I have always kept the mindset: The only way out is through - Robert Frost. That is pretty much my motto for life. I mean there is no way around this beast, I feel we have to keep meeting this beast and then adjust from there but either way we are moving through.

*MUSIC IS MY LIFE!!!! I literally listen to music from the moment I wake, to the moment I go to bed! I use it personally and professionally and it sets the stage for my everything! Even those romantic moments:) I use Spotify for my music go-to.

Some of my favorite Singers/Playlists from there have been:

Trevor Hall Radio

Good As Hell (this one I made if you need a BIG pick me up)

Totally Stress Free

Infinite Acoustic

*Neurosculpting® 5-Step Process & Regular Meditation

Neurosculpting is very specific to re-wiring the brain and to help train the brain to not be in the “fight or flight” “survival” response ALL of the time, which is where most of us have been living in. I not only use this on myself but I am a facilitator, assisting people on their own journey’s during this traumatic time. Yep, I said it, Trauma. I can help you feel better with this process!

Schedule yourself an appointment here: https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/SOG2JT

And then I also use the App: Insight Timer on my phone! It’s FREE! So after the first week and half of this mess, my body said, girl you need to amp up this Meditation thing to 2x/day in order to try and keep some sanity. So I did. Only 5 minutes each time and I have stuck with it and I look forward to them each day! Starting my morning with one and then the other some time in the afternoon for the other and those times are set in my phone to remind me;).

*I read right away in the morning. One of the books I finished over this time has been: The Motivation Manifesto by Brendon Burchard. He motivates in such a loving, real way.

*COFFEE BABY!! Sometimes 2 cups (I try to stick to one) but you know what? Interesting times call for things that make me happy and coffee makes me happy. So most mornings it’s 2 freakin cups up coffee goodness!

*And the last thing I will leave you with is, the time I have made to move my body.

Getting outside into Nature is something I normally need but I have really made great efforts to get out as much as I can. I have never watched the weather for each day or coming week as I have of late. Seeing when the sun is going to be out and the temps are lovely! Nature heals, get out and get you some.

And secondly, I have started a new workout! I have noticed I have put a couple of more pounds on since this thang has started. I am in full awareness that these are again interesting times and we need to allow ourselves some grace with things but I also want to be good to my body during this time. And I want to feel better. And for my body type to lose weight I have to sweat so I needed to amp it up, so I ordered what I thought was BeachBody’s 21 Day Fix……….well, I did order that BUT I ordered the EXTREME version, which I didn’t realize till I started that first workout and that just about killed me not the Corona Virus! I also found I did the wrong workout first. Ha! I like a good challenge and I got on the correct workout schedule with the dvd’s and each morning M-F I do the 30 minutes of hell and I feel not only strong in my body but my mind as well when I am complete!

So there you go my friends. Just some of the things I have done to keep me moving through this interesting time. I have also been coloring as well….one of those swear word coloring books which has been a blessing! I am grateful for my friend Susan for sending me that when this crap all started.

I hope you have found some Go-To’s for yourself, to assist you in moving through it all.

If there are any ways I can support you through this time please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Take it easy on yourself my friends.



Creating Mindfulness in Uncertain Times


Ebbs & Flows Baby