It’s World Mental Health Day

Hi y'all, wishing you peace this Sunday evening.

It's World Mental Health Day.

I am passionate about Mental Health.

A BIG reason why I started State of Grace was to allow for space.

A safe space to come and be yourself, no matter what that looks like on any given day.

A space for allowing.

I show up to allow for space.

As we give space to ourself.......take the time to tune in and get in touch with what is really happening within us, healing is possible.

AND, so much more is possible as well.

I am passionate about working one on one with people.

I love it and am good at it.

I know that people are searching for something lately. Whether it's getting inspired, looking for healing, creating a healthier/better life or whatever it may be.....people are searching.

Our mental states are not well.

I see you. It's ok.

But I ask you, what are you doing to nurture to help this part of you? What are the inspired action steps you are doing daily to create mind & body well-BEING?

I have some options if you are looking for support. It just takes you scheduling maybe that FREE Discovery Session or booking or reaching out to me about Embody.

The Free Discovery Session is a great opportunity to have a safe conversation to explore what is showing up for you and where do you desire to be.

And then there is Embody. 3 intentional hours with me. Guiding you through your very own custom Yoga Practice, custom Meditation as well as a Life Coaching Session. All of this together to build a sort of "mini retreat" for yourself. Assisting you in finding space to breathe and be again. A coming back home to you.

If you need me, I'm here.

These are still very hard times.

I am right beside you.

Loving you & supporting you,


Empowering you take Inspired Action.


I am not a healer


With our minds we create the world..