You are Not what happened to you
I am going to start off with bringing some major clarity.
You are not what happened to You, Trauma or any devastating life experience is what happened INSIDE you (the body/your nervous system) when the event occurred.
From that experience your body then tries to find coping mechanisms to mimic “safety” and many times these coping mechanisms are not always the healthiest to get your through. Often times holds you that trauma state of being.
Gratitude. We can find gratitude that these coping mechanisms are our bodies response to what happened it’s your body doing it’s best to keep you going. This is a blessing my friends!
You do not need to define Yourself or Your Life but what happened any longer.
The shame train can begin healing. You can begin healing.
Are you ready to set down the shame, blame, guilt, trauma and begin the journey of healing?
This is possible for you. There are no time lines for healing.
But it IS possible.
If you want to start with the dialogue of what that could look like for you and to see if we could be a good fit working together, Schedule your Complimentary Courage Session:
I see You,
I hear You,
I love You,
Theresa Falvey-Hunt
Life|Grief Coach|550 Hour Yoga Instructor