Leaning in
How are you today?
So every Monday I do a check in with all of my coaching clients. It’s a time for me to ask them to do some self inquiry with how they are feeling in this moment and looking ahead to their week. If they are needing support they can share that with me.
If I think back on the past week and I check in with myself today, this moment, it’s been a lot.
I moved my home office to where my yoga studio is currently so that I now can have space with my home life and business life. Over the weekend my husband and I created the beautiful, sacred space in just 3 hours. I am grateful for his help especially when I need things nailed into the walls. I could do it myself but then it doesn’t always turn out to be straight as I back up and take a look at what I just put up on the wall. Anyone else good at not hanging things straight? I always just want to decorate and get it done and then it doesn’t look straight. So then usually what happens, A) I either just leave it or B) Put another hole in the wall which I hate doing.
And Marriage is hard... that’s all I will say on that one for now.
Then last week I was on a deadline for myself to get a speech written about my life. I am going to be speaking to a group next month on: Courage, Resilience and Faith and how they have all played a part in getting me to where I am today. As I typed, I was remembering so many times in my life how I didn’t know how something was going to work out, scary times, like when I wanted to end my life in junior high and when I was protecting my items in my apartment from my boyfriend that I had found out was doing drugs, as I waited for my parents to come get me and bring me back to WI.
Then the God nudges I call them that began to show up more and more when I allowed myself to be led by Him. It was like magic how things happened, maybe a better word is blessings or miracles.
And then replaying the year that shook my entire reality 2022 when my dad had his journey with cancer and then losing him to it.
The journey of grief and healing is still very alive within me. I have been very emotional this past week.
What am I being shown in this moment? I am grateful. I am grateful for many avenues of support, it doesn’t look like one person or one thing, it’s many.
The question I asked my coaching clients today to ponder is “How can you love yourself more in this moment, today, this week?”
This is what I am really leaning into right now and I feel it is something to be leaned into a lot.
When life feels a lot, how can it feel better you might ask? Ask yourself the question “How can I love myself more in this moment?”
Then listen for what your body is desiring. It could be getting a glass of water to drink, eating a healthy snack, taking a walk outside, or maybe your body needs rest, it would like a nap.
In that moment you can listen and obey or keep pushing on through and we all know what happens for us when we keep applying pressure and pushing, we combust and it ain’t pretty. In my home, everyone clears out and stay’s out of the way when I am near combustion, it ain’t pretty.
So I encourage you to lean in to loving yourself more in this moment, today and every day.
Be kind to yourself,
You only get one of you.
Before I send you on your way,
I invite you to breathe in one thing you are grateful for in this moment.
Thank you for joining me today.
Love ya,