Leaning in Part 2
Before we begin, would you take a full body inhale down to the belly and exhale anything out of your body that doesn’t feel good such as stress or frustration or worry, etc. Maybe do that a couple more times depending on what is feeling heavy in your body and mind in this moment.
I have been in a space of curiosity and nostalgia.
I just recently moved out the part of my business that went into my home for a couple of months after shit hit the fan after my fathers death last year and into the space where I have my yoga studio. It has been 9 offices that I have had since I moved back to WI. It feels like a lot and may look like a lot but all of the moves were intentional.
Everything I do is intentional.
Then I was reminiscing on the year it self and where I had been focusing my business. Although this was a very fruitful year all the while walking with grief and healing, it didn’t feel good. Many times I express how pushing and force isn’t the way to get you to where you want to go. It will most likely leave you feeling burnt out, tired or frustrated.
Something has been nudging me these past 2 months to shift my lens, my focus a little differently on how I serve. I call these nudges, God nudges. How do I know these are God nudges? Because the message or nudge, doesn’t go away.
Just like the nudge/pull I was getting to come back to WI 10 years ago and I didn’t want to go. I asked for the big fricken sign and He, the GOD showed it to me. It was a gut punch the sign and I knew it was the one I had asked for.
Turns out I was meant to be back here in my hometown to help support my mom and dad when we was battling his cancer.
I have had many God nudges over my life. I am grateful for them as they lead me deeper into trusting myself and my walk with God.
The other thing that I want to bring into this conversation today is, the other steady, constant thread that has always been in my life is my authenticity. I am not one that has ever done what the “norm” is or to do things just to gain followers or clients. I move in the way that feels good for me. As I keep leaning into God as well as what feels good for me and my life and how I do things, that is the thread that keeps it all working well. That is the thread of well-being in my life.
It might look weird or messy or unconventional to the outside world and well those opinions don’t matter. The one that matters is my own.
I just want to celebrate that I do life intentionally. You will always get me just as I am, authentic, raw, vulnerable. And my desire is that you all receive this gift for yourself because it’s available for us all. If you need help with leaning into it all more, then reach out and allow me to walk the journey with you, to support you, you don’t have to do this alone.
So what is this latest God nudge? I am being guided back to my roots more. To be more vocal about the Reflexology and Reiki Services I offer. My body is desiring me to lean into sharing the benefits more of these services to help support people on their healing and well-being journey.
Another thing about the God nudge. How else do I know it’s a God nudge? Because when I lean into it the message’s stop because I listened, He doesn’t need to keep nudging.
The past 2 weeks I have been working in my new office space full time has been wonderful. It has reminded me more and more of how much I truly love to support humans on their healing journey in this life.
I am curious, have you ever felt a God nudge? If so, what was your experience?
I invite you to stay open to listening, to seeing the nudges. You, we are all being guided all the time if we just slow down enough to hear or see where we are being led. I invite you to keep staying true to your own authenticity.
What matters is what brings you joy, peace etc. Whatever is happening outside of you, you can’t control, so quit giving it your attention and precious energy.
You got this.
I see you.