5 min. Brain n’ Body Break | Upper Body

Let’s face it, we all could use to stretch a little more throughout our days. Once a month you will be receiving a 5 min. Brain n’ Body Break in your inbox.


This will allow for “You Time” that you may have been putting off, to not only find some self care for your Body but also your Mind. A time to bring yourself back to the present moment, which is the only thing we really know to be true in this crazy wonderful world!


**If you are wanting a visual of how these poses are done, they will be posted here: https://stateofgracellc.blogpost or my Facebook Biz Page.


Let’s get started with today’s Brain n’ Body Break:



Close the eyes. 

Take 5 slow breathes down to the belly. 

Inhaling “I invite in more Love” - Exhaling “I let go of frustration and hate”.


**as with any movement only do what feels good**

1) Seated Pose “Sukasana” (Legs crossed) w/Eagle Arms

Cross right arm at the elbows and spiral forearms to meet palms together.

Draw shoulder blades back and down, send elbows away from the heart/in line with shoulders, reach through fingers.

Intentionally breathe into your shoulder blades.

2) Modified Reverse Plank

Place hands on floor, buttocks on floor, knees bent, feet are flat on floor hip distance.

Draw shoulder blades back, creating a slight back bend.

*Option to lift buttocks off of floor (reverse table top).

Intentionally breathe into your heart space.

3) Seated Easy Twist Pose

Legs crossed.

Place Left finger tips on the floor behind you, Right hand on outside of Left knee.

Turn your head to the Left.

Roll Left shoulder back and down, twist a little deeper.

Intentionally breathe for 3 breathes and Repeat on Right Side.

4) Child’s Pose w/Shoulder Stretch using Blocks (or books)

Kneeling, take the knees wider than hips, bend them deeply taking the hips to the heels, big toes touching.

With blocks/books out in front of you, place forearms on top of them.

Release forehead to the ground.

Intentionally breathe for 3 breathes into the backside of the body.


I remind you that you are capable of doing hard things. Joy is possible during these times.


Give yourself Grace.


And create the day how you want it!


 All my Love & Support,



Healing rather than Judgement | Managing your stress


Big week ahead