Big week ahead
I was going to do my normal marketing and follow that guideline this week but this morning I woke up and I knew something else needed to move out of me and onto the screen you are reading right now.
This is a big week in history.
There are so many emotions, feelings, words, actions that have been flying around coming at us from everywhere.
Personally, I have been struggling, my heart breaking watching how interactions of fellow Americans have been over these past months.
Truth be told, I lost a very, very good friend a couple years ago during another heightened election over a Facebook post that I had done. I simply wrote about being mindful of one another during these chaotic times and what if we could find more love and kindness. I really did keep it that simple. I also asked for no comments because I had a friend that loved to be-little me and my views of again what are Loving Kindness/Mindfulness. Well this person commented and I simply said that I had asked to not comment and I deleted the comment., I was not respected and this person also went to great lengths to be-little me some more at this point we were still “friends”. I was giving grace for what they believed. You have a right to vote for whom you want to but to then be-little a person you call a “friend”. Well after I deleted the comment, then our friendship was ended on Facebook. I was shocked. I had allowed this person to speak their views respectfully many times and would just listen knowing that mine didn’t matter and that was fine. But this was a 10-12 year friendship. Done. With a matter of a click of a button.
Maybe you have experienced this as well over the past couple of months.
So as we move into this week, with heightened emotions/feelings/thoughts, can we also bring Love to the table?
Keeping in mind that Love is available always, no matter what.
Love heals, brings connection and hate divides. No matter what is happening, can you take a deep breath, probably many to help keep your nervous system calm and limbic brain feeling safe. Fear makes us feel anxious. But when we breathe into our bellies and hearts that is where our inner knowing lives.....Love .....the Present Moment. And in this moment, can you take a full inhalation and repeat to yourself 3 times maybe with your hands over your heart “I am safe, supported and all my needs are met and I am breathing.” Do that as many times as you need to bring yourself back to Love, to Kindness, to some sense of Calm, some knowing.
I am here for you if you need more assistance on working with Anxiety, Fear, Stress or Overwhelm. This is where my expertise lie and I truly love helping people get to a place where they feel safe and supported. Back into their bodies and out of their heads.
With whatever happens this week, could we also make space for Love to win?
I love you and I support you.
And can we find more kindness today and every day for ourselves and others,