Don’t Should All Over Yourself

Something I am in deep awareness with when working with my clients is the way they speak towards themselves or just how they use words in general.


What I have come to notice is how often people say “I Should do this” “I have to”. 


When I hear either of these, I like to ask the questions: 

But who says you Should or Have to? Where is the rule book of life that says this?


And I just want you to notice inside your own body, how does it feel when you say that you have to do something or should do this or that?

I know for me, it feels dense, heavy, weighted, I hear the word “ugh” come to my mind as well.


So think of how many times you tell yourself that you have to or should do something and how that energy compounds during your day and then what do you really get done? How does that make you feel when you go and do?

Words have weight and energy with them.

Could there be another way to shift how we speak about our life and how we be and do so that it’s more in alignment with how we are desiring to live our best life, living in a way such that it feels good? 


I am here to once again remind you that there is no one with a rule book of how you Should Be and Do and what you Have to do. You are the only one putting these restrictions, rules and such on yourself.


So I invite you to release the Should and Have to and step into I Get To or I Want To. As you choose to use these higher vibration phrases, take a moment to notice how it feels to say things differently.


Again coming back to what I experience personally when I say I Get to go to work or I want to create more time in my life, it has lightness to it, possibility and excitement. And in this space I remember my power is inside of me, in my thoughts, actions and words I speak silently and out loud. 


I invite you to see that there is power and energy behind even these two little phrases I Should or I Have to could you choose to not give them your energy, choose to empower yourself and to choose again, something better. 


The choice is always yours and each moment you get to choose again.


You got this.

All my Love & Support,




1 year


Stay Positive?