1 year
I’m going to go there. I know we are all talking about it. It’s on the social media platforms, it’s coming up in your ‘memories’ on Facebook. I just need to go there.
It’s been 1 year that this entire unit of civilization has been moving through a pandemic.
1 year
Could you take a couple of moments to be with me, to put down whatever you are doing. I won’t be long.
Take a full deep inhale and let out a cleansing exhale.
Be here with me in this moment.
No matter what has happened this past year and what is currently happening in your world and who knows what the future.....tomorrow holds for you or I, we made it to this moment today.
This moment right here matters.
I invite you to think of 2 or 3 things you learned about yourself this year.
What will you say ‘No’ to in the future; boundaries that you are setting, so that moving forward, you are saying more ‘Yes’ to you and the things that truly bring you joy?
Did you lose your job? Could it have been a blessing?
Did your relationship fall apart? Was it an awakening of what you truly desire and want for yourself?
Did you gain weight, fall completely a part? And did you notice you finally may have found self love and compassion, you finally were able to love yourself through?
Did you come to the realization of what really matters and what brings value to your life?
With all of that awareness, I invite you to dig deep and commit to yourself starting today.
This year was a shit storm and yes blessings were had but how are you going to take Better Care...
Better Care of You
Better Care of Your Life
Better Care of all the things that you truly value and that bring you Joy
Could you take a couple of moments to write down the ONE action step for each of those and more if you choose, that you are going to commit to, so that by doing so, you and your life will feel full and joyfilled. Only welcoming in the things that give you a definite YES, that lights you up.
Maybe you want help healing from the trauma from this year, then I recommend a Neurosculpting® Meditation Session.
Maybe you want to move that fabulous body of yours more, whether to stretch it out or flex n’ flow, I encourage you to come to take a Yoga Class.
Maybe you want a little help getting back on the journey of what it is that you really want and need a little assistance getting out of your own way, then let’s get down to business and explore what Life Coaching could look like. 1st Session is Complimentary.
Maybe all 3 call to you, then the Mind|Body|Life Resilience Pkg. is the way to go.
You are so amazingly resilient I just want you to know.
I see you.
I hear you.
Support is here.
All my Love & Support,