Yoga & Impermanence
“The very nature of reality is impermanence. Everything is in a state of flux.”
This qoute and many others I will use in this passage today are from a book I was required to read, Living Your Yoga by Judith Lasater, when I was headed into becoming a Yoga Teacher years ago. I come back to this book often not only for myself but for my yoga classes, especially when I and us as a whole are going through heavy times.
I recently had to make a very difficult decision to let go of someone that I deeply cared for. I’m still healing. Some people think there “should” be a sense of relief after you do this and for some it is true but in my case. I have been doing more deep reflection and asking questions of myself and life. There are these things that you “think” will last for forever, a pet, friends, family members, marriages and such. You realize as you move through life that this is not the case. Love is the only thing that I have found to be eternal.
“The very building blocks of our universe are ephemeral and not the lasting things that we may think. Every day, all day, our bodies engage in impermanence with each breath. Your current inhalation is unlike any other you have ever taken. At its fullness, it surrenders to the exhalation, itself different from the one preceding it.”
Letting Go can be beautiful and difficult all in the same. I feel that alot of us reside in this space of letting go and trusting in our faith or what else is awaiting us.
“Along with things that surely will be lost, impermanence makes way for new possibilities, such as working out a difficulty with a friend, giving birth to a child after years of trying to conceive, recovering from an illness, leanring to do a yoga pose that you thought once was beyond your ability, and more.
It takes a brave heart to deeply accept that everything changes.”
I need to take a deep breath after that last line. It’s.....we are constantly evolving. We leave a job, end a relationship friend or significant other, experience loss of family members it all becomes a part of the circle and waves of life. Things, people ever constantly shifting, coming and going.
“Nothing is truly mine. Nothing is permanent except impermanence.”
So from that knowing, could we embrace the changes and let go of the fear that can arise? Could we choose to put our faith in the permanence of change?
And when we are moving through difficult or hard times could we sit and be with this mantra: It won’t always be like this.
I’m right along side you. Loving you through.