Stay Positive?
I recently went to a new Brewery that opened in our city and ran into people that I haven’t seen in awhile and also met some new faces. It still feels very weird to be around more than like 5 people in one place. That will take some getting used to as I find myself out and about a little bit more amongst the other humans as I like to say:)
Regardless, the beer was great and I was asked this question by a friend of a friend: So because of the work that you do, do you believe in being Positive all the time?
I loved this question and my immediate response was No.
Here’s the kicker, I used to be a Yes to this question and my Facebook posts were all about them “Just Be Positive” “Stay Positive” but this is no longer my view.
Although I feel it’s important to remember that we have choice in every moment of how we want to be and feel, it’s also important to feel and move through the hard times and low, dark feelings but not as to build a home there.
I believe it’s more about how can we meet these moments and times in our lives, just like we meet the moments and times that are the opposite.....ex. Happiness, joy. Not to try and run from them or change it quickly but to allow them to wash over and pass through us because all of it has something to teach us.
There is the wisdom. I try not to put a label on things being ‘good’ or ‘bad’, it’s simply life being life. But these things that happen in life all have something to teach us.
When we sit with what is and meet it, sit with it, like you are sitting with a friend, could you then allow yourself to hear the wisdom that is being passed on to you?
This takes practice as I say it all does. This I feel is a beautiful space to get to because then nothing is ever happening to you it’s more happening for you, to share wisdom for you to gain.
This is what I myself have been working with most recently. It’s all wisdom.
The choice is always yours. I will continuously remind you that you can empower yourself by choosing to be and do something different. Nothing changes if nothing changes.
So my question for you today:
Will you choose to believe that life is working against you or for You?
If you need some help working through some mental blocks on this one, reach out, let’s have a Life Coaching Conversation around it.
All my love & support,
Theresa Marie