Got Accountability?
Read this 3x to yourself: “Accountability is the glue that ties Commitment to the result.”
-Bob Proctor
Makes sense doesn’t it? One of the biggest roadblocks I see when my coaching clients are trying to create change in their lives, is holding themselves accountable to doing the work to get to their desired goal(s).
Have you ever found yourself getting stuck with this same issue?
But one of the beautiful aspects of being someone’s Life Coach, is that instead of you holding yourself accountable, I get to be the person who holds the space for accountability. Everyone has a different way that they wish to be held accountable and I roll with that. We work together to create a specific schedule about how they are needing to be supported through Check In’s or something else and also creating the layout for their plan of action each week, what are they willing to commit to following through with. That’s a big one.
Adjustments can be made throughout for me the accountability support coach and the client as needed for optimal success. The thing to remember when anyone is a coaching client, they are ultimately the ones doing the “work”. And I love to be able to witness that which the client never thought was possible, become reality with some holding them accountable and let me add a pretty great cheerleader! We are capable of so much. Celebrating their Wins along the way while also holding space for when some days don’t go as planned but reminding them that tomorrow is another day to begin again.
What are ready to move through in your life?
What are you wanting to create a shift? Change it up?
What do you desire to create?
Allow me to support you while witnessing your Greatness.
Reach out to me, let’s start with a conversation.
All my love and support,