Yesterday I was called to be of Service

I’m currently up in the Northwoods of WI spending dear quality time with my family at what was my parents cottage they owned a couple years ago. The now owners were super happy to have us all up this week to rent, share time and memories together.

So I was just swinging away on the wooden swing looking out to the lake. My mom was visiting with the next door couple she has known for years and she calls me over to them.

My mom shares how the wife was having some challenges with physical balance lately and if I had some ideas of how to help her.

We got talking about what she had been currently doing, I suggested she call her doctor and welcome in a more regular yoga practice and that’s when more revealed itself….

She went on to say the last time she attended a yoga class she got so frustrated and sad how her body couldn’t do what it used to do. (she is a petite women in her 70’s.)

I inquired more about her self talk and perspective.

She shared how she gets stuck in her head a lot about what was and how she was able to do this or that and now, it’s not the same. She gets stuck in her head a lot thinking, worrying about the should’s, have to’s and such.

I then shared, it sounds like you could be grieving the past and that’s important to be with. It’s important to acknowledge this as a person ages and it doesn’t have to hinder your joy in this moment you are living.

First I invited her to the practice of Awareness, noticing how often she is up in her head on the self defeating thoughts and also being with the grieving of what was.

She then could do self inquiry, are these thoughts supporting my desired way of Being|Living? How could I Iove myself more in this moment?

I then encouraged her to then drop into her body and asked her to notice how her body was feeling and to ask it questions of how it would like to be supported in this moment and to listen.

We then talked about as with grief, we can also begin to celebrate who we are now and to welcome all the ways her body supports her today, in this moment, all the things it has gone through to get her here (including breast cancer).

Shifting her lens of focus off of what is going “wrong” and truly seeing what is going well, appreciating herself and body and ultimately welcoming in a more loving relationship with herself.

I could see tears welling in her eyes as we spoke, we touched on something much deeper than anticipated.

She thanked me and said she wanted to be more kinder to herself, get out of her head more and that our conversation was helpful.

She said how it would probably be beneficial to get back to her Gratitude practice, I agreed.

This was how I was meant to serve in that moment.

It all began around a conversation of wanting help with strengthening her physical balance but what was really desiring attention was her heart and the inner work, ultimately then to appreciating this moment, this body, right here❤️

I trusted God would lead me in the best way to support her highest good and it all worked out just as it was meant to.

loving you right where you are,


The Realization


This was me from November - May.