The Blog

Theresa Falvey-Hunt Theresa Falvey-Hunt

Peace, Comfort & Joy

And then my child yell's from the bathroom, I need a band aide I can't stop bleeding (at 7:11am).

Peace will be waiting for me back in my chair, next to my pretty lit tree and my cozy blanket, with my yummy coffee when I get back after doing band aide surgery (I have these amazing Unicorn band aide's that rock any young kids socks off).

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Theresa Falvey-Hunt Theresa Falvey-Hunt

It All Goes Down In The Mind

We ourselves choose the worst possible perceptions.

99% of the time you are feeling the way you are feeling in the present moment, it's because there was an early time in your life that you got this way.

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Theresa Falvey-Hunt Theresa Falvey-Hunt

What is a Belief you have of Yourself?

I was in junior high, when everyone is trying to figure out what the hell their bodies are doing, who they are as a person, do I go goth or tight roll my pants? I spent much time in front of the mirror popping my pimples (which I struggled with an oily pimple face). So fun.

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Theresa Falvey-Hunt Theresa Falvey-Hunt

Are you ready for a Conversation?

One of my passions is having deep, authentic, compassionate conversations with people.

I am so curious as to how we are all built so differently and how everything that has shown up on our own personal journeys has shaped the person we are today. And we are so beautifully, uniquely different.

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Theresa Falvey-Hunt Theresa Falvey-Hunt

Thru Recovery we Discover

What if what ever it is that you are recovering from is really the discovery or re-discovery of your true essence?

To me it feels as if a sort of re-birth. A shedding of what no longer is, to become that which was always there.

No matter if you are in recovery of people pleasing, substance addiction, over eating, a broken heart, a workaholic, etc.

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